Friday Dec 08, 2023
2023 Dec 8 The Bryan Hyde Show
Friday Dec 08, 2023
Friday Dec 08, 2023
We can almost hear the category 5 election year hurricane that's about to roar over the horizon. Paul Rosenberg says, he'll need reasons to believe the next vote count.
One of the most eye-opening truths you'll ever learn is that the worst atrocities that have taken place in human history, happened because regular folks obeyed. Barry Brownstein explains why ordinary people enable totalitarians.
A Charlie Brown Christmas has aired on TV every single year since it was produced in 1965. Annie Holmquist shares the story of how the Christmas special so many of us grew up with, symbolizes a triumph of common sense.
If you want to see woke hypocrisy on display, you won't find a more clear example than the climate movement. Kurt Mahlberg says the climate hypocrites are everywhere.
Article of the Day:
Now that so much of the covid narrative is proving to have been false or mistaken, the "experts" who forced it on us think that amnesty is a good idea. Margaret Anna Alice has the perfect response in her Letter to the Amnesty-Demanders. (If you haven't already subscribed to her Substack, you really should)
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
2023 Dec 7 The Bryan Hyde Show
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
Humor is a marvelous tool to help us manage the stress of a world that's getting more complicated by the minute. Joshua Glawson reveals how comedy, laughter and humor can improve our lives.
Climate change is almost certainly going to be the next "crisis" that will provide authoritarians the leverage they need to gain complete control. Kit Knightly says just look at the COP28 meeting in Dubai. The agenda couldn't be more clear.
Finding the ideal school for your child doesn't require great wealth or influence. As Kerry McDonald explains, if your kids are unhappy at school, trust yourself to find them another one.
How far would things have to go before the America people say, "Enough!" to the folks trying to remake our society? Linda Killian wonders if the sexual transitioning of children will be the tipping point.
Article of the Day:
If you've been working hard to snap out of your political tunnel vision, here's a terrific essay from Doug Casey that will help immensely. Doug writes about the end of the nation-state and gives the historical perspective to understand why this is happening.
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
2023 Dec 6 The Bryan Hyde Show
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
Ever had someone demand that you provide a solution for a problem that you've pointed out? Gary D. Barnett has strong words for such people as well as a call to start acting on truth rather than demanding that others fix the world's ills.
Demand for covid shots has dropped off steeply. The Brownstone Institute asks, had you known, would you have taken the jab?
The push for fake meat has been intensifying for some time now. Peter C. Earle and Phil Magness take a deeper dive into whether this trend is more entrée or agenda.
When we don't know our own history, we are little more than children who depend on others to tell us what came before. Alexander Markovsky recounts how the American Republic was lost.
Article of the Day:
That whole "wars and rumors of wars" thing seems to be a reality in our time. Patrick Carroll offers 3 principles for libertarians (and other lovers of freedom) in times of war.
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
2023 Dec 5 The Bryan Hyde Show
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos joins me for another epic session of wrongthink. Eric always has a thoughtful take on what's happening and solid recommendations on how we can respond.
What's the difference between the sheeple and we the people? Donald Jeffries has an interesting take on the love/hate relationship we all have with those who dare not push back.
Could the 2024 election cause society to collapse? USA Today takes a blind swat at what prepping is and why we do it. If nothing else, you'll find it interesting how non-preppers perceive us.
Article of the Day:
If you're feeling the need for some authentic clarity, few writers can rekindle the sparks of the spirit like Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Daniel Mahoney explains why The Gulag Archipelago is relevant to our day.
Monday Dec 04, 2023
2023 Dec 4 The Bryan Hyde Show
Monday Dec 04, 2023
Monday Dec 04, 2023
Those who took the jab, under duress, weren't necessarily acting like frightened sheep. Paul Rosenberg explains the covid caculus involved in making their decision.
A war of words is being waged all around us and it can be disorienting for those on the receiving end of weaponized language. Steve Rose spells out how to achieve tyranny with mush words.
The increasingly chaotic state of our world is causing many of us to retreat to a place of nostalgia rather than facing the challenge head-on. The Restoring Truth substack advises us to saddle up as happy warriors and to ride and fight to the end.
The various bureaucrats pushing electric vehicles on us are having a close encounter with reality as car buyers refuse to buy EVs. Kenneth W. Costello says let the market, not government, decide the fate of EVs.
Article of the Day:
Elon Musk's 3-word response to Disney and other companies threatening to pull advertising from Twitter over its lack of censorship was harsh but appropriate. Thomas Luongo says Musk wins the battle of words. (NB: adult language)
Friday Dec 01, 2023
2023 Dec 1 The Bryan Hyde Show
Friday Dec 01, 2023
Friday Dec 01, 2023
It's bad enough that politicians can never admit when they are wrong but pundits who think they're infallible are the worst. Jeffrey A. Tucker takes them to task over the covid narrative, starting with Peggy Noonan.
Here's an example of a commentator who got it wrong at first on covid, but has since changed her tune and apologized. Jeff Minnick defends the importance of speaking truth in an age of deception.
The national Christmas tree was toppled by wind this week. It was a poignant reminder of the year my family's Christmas tree wouldn't stand and how I lost and regained my love of this holiday.
So much of what corporate media reports to us each day is simply a distraction from what actually matters in our lives. Valerie Protopapas warns about dangerous distractions and how they steal our attention.
Article of the Day:
It's getting fashionable to dismiss the Founding generation as one that has nothing to offer us in our day. Michael Luchess encourages us to remember the Founding and the principles it represents.
Thursday Nov 30, 2023
2023 Nov 30 The Bryan Hyde Show
Thursday Nov 30, 2023
Thursday Nov 30, 2023
If you want to find yourself in trouble these days, simply point out the obvious. Stephen Whitney says men and women are different and that is a good thing.
Whether you believe in God or not, it's worth checking out this short video of a pastor who felt impressed to pray for a young man in his congregation. It's a beautiful example of faith as well as simple human kindness in a moment of crisis.
Whether you watch a lot of TV or not, there are some fascinating ideological tropes that have become entrenched in everything Hollywood creates. Donald Jeffries contrasts these Hollywood tropes with real life wisdom.
One of the great conflicts of our time is between those who feel the need to coordinate every human interaction and those who don't. Barry Brownstein says the miracles of human cooperation are hidden in plain sight.
Article of the Day:
Need some inspiration and reassurance that there's an abundance of human goodness? Take some time and check out Paul Rosenberg's Vera Verba website for daily examples of what we are like at our finest. You won't regret it.
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
2023 Nov 29 The Bryan Hyde Show
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Drug companies that market directly to consumers may not be actually doing the public a favor. Robert E. Wright has the red pill for pill ad headaches.
Most people can see the wisdom of keeping church and state separate. Ron Paul says it's time to separate tech and state to preserve what remains of our freedoms.
What exactly is it about masculinity that enrages activists on the left? Dex Bahr says it's a classic example of individuals being offended by reality.
Weaning ourselves off fast food and adopting a more traditional home-cooked diet is a worthwhile aspiration. Cadence McManimon recommends some easy swaps for the aspiring ancestral kitchen.
Article of the Day:
The old saw about how the left can't handle being laughed at appears to contain more than trace amounts of truth. Igor Chudov describes how some Australian political scientists now claim that humor is a danger to 'our democracy.'
Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
Nov 28 The Bryan Hyde Show
Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos drops by for our weekly wrongthink session.
The 1944 movie "Gaslight" added something to our lexicon that is particularly timely today. The Rev. John F. Naugle has an enlightening take on counseling a gaslit nation in the wake of the pandemic.
Need to find your happiness once more? C. G. Jones makes a case for ancient books as a tool for recovering true happiness.
Article of the Day:
Most of us are familiar with Norman Rockwell's classic painting "Saying Grace." Anthony Esolen provides some fascinating background to Rockwell's piece as well as hope that we might find our way, individually, back to that level of thankfulness.
Friday Nov 24, 2023
2023 Nov 24 The Bryan Hyde Show
Friday Nov 24, 2023
Friday Nov 24, 2023
Lovers of freedom and smaller government are watching Argentina closely following the election of a libertarian firebrand. Connor O'Keefe says the U.S. needs its own Javier Milei.
Now that the Jan 6 footage has been released, the awful truth about that day is becoming clear. As Robert Bride explains, the Democratic party faked an insurrection to consolidate its power over the American people.
Few issues are used expand government power like the siren song of safety. Thomas Buckley warns that the cult of safety has exploded.
Jordan B. Peterson has become an influential voice for our time. Paul Rosenberg says, "I like Jordan Peterson, but he's wrong."
Article of the Day:
The combat shoppers have been at it since the wee hours of morning. Jon Miltimore answers the question few of us can answer: Why is Black Friday called Black Friday?