Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
2023 Sept 20 The Bryan Hyde Show
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
I'm joined by Jeff Einstein from Quality of Life Resistance Movement as we discuss the widespread media addiction currently affecting so many of us. If you're serious about reclaiming your life, you need to hear Jeff's message.
Ever get the impression that the systems that seek to rule us think we'd automatically devolve to a Lord of the Flies existence without their constant guidance? Donald J. Boudreaux says, I'm tired of being presumed to be an uncivilized brute.
Here's some hopeful news: Charges have been dropped against two Canadian pastors who were jailed for holding church during covid. Now let's follow up by asking why they were ever charged in the first place.
Article of the Day:
If you really want to get a down and dirty sense of how things are going, just check out James Howard Kunstler's latest column. He serves up a full-strength reality supplement as we go boldly into the chaos.
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
2023 Sept 19 The Bryan Hyde Show
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos drops in for his weekly visit. As always, there's a lot to discuss regarding the interesting times we're experiencing.
Would you rather be right or be happy? That's not just a question for married couples. As Barry Brownstein explains, others are not responsible for the choices we make.
Homeschooling has become far more mainstream in the past 3 years. Ron Paul has an excellent commentary explaining why and inviting parents to opt out of government-administered woke schooling.
Article of the Day:
Most of us prefer smooth sailing to stormy seas. However, calm waters can be our undoing if we're not careful. Dan Sanchez has some great insights on the deadly dangers of a life adrift.
Monday Sep 18, 2023
2023 Sept 18 The Bryan Hyde Show
Monday Sep 18, 2023
Monday Sep 18, 2023
When the media and powers that be are calling for someone's destruction, don't be too quick to jump on the bandwagon. As Jeff Einstein explains, we should herald the apostates. More often than not, they have something important to say.
The acquittal of the last 3 men charged with plotting to kidnap Michigan's governor is one more example of the FBI purporting to "save us" from monsters of its own creation. As Deborah Heine points out, this should make us question a number of other federal prosecutions.
We all know people who have expensive hobbies. If the rising cost of everything has left you feeling discouraged, Candace McManimon has a list of 20 historical hobbies for $20 or less.
Having critics is a mixed blessing. On the one hand, people who aren't having impact don't get criticized. On the other hand, being attacked and smeared is unpleasant. James Walpole shares the reasons why powerful people don't defend themselves.
Article of the Day:
The degree of human progress that has occurred within recent memory is simply staggering. Gary M. Galles reminds us of the lessons of Henry Grady Weaver's classic book "The Mainspring of Human Progress."
Friday Sep 15, 2023
2023 Sept 15 The Bryan Hyde Show
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Friday Sep 15, 2023
If you're more inclined to seek out solutions rather than loudly point out problems, here's a commentary you'll likely enjoy. Gary M. Galles says we need more people who are willing to ask why things are the way they are.
The merger of health care and government has only worked out for those who are a part of the new medical cartel. Lawrence M. Vance offers 10 health care ideas for everyone.
If you've felt a calling to write, now is the time to answer that call. J.B. Shurk issues a call to quills for writers everywhere.
The moment of decision is approaching for each of us. Will we choose comfort over freedom? The G20 attendees are openly announcing plans to implement digital currencies and IDs worldwide.
Article of the Day:
Fighting evil doesn't necessarily require drawing a sword. However, as Karen Hunt explains, it does require speaking the truth while walking through fire.
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
2023 Sept 14 The Bryan Hyde Show
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Remember when over the counter cold and allergy medicines actually worked? Before government made the manufacturers change their formula to something that didn't? Jeffrey A. Tucker recounts what happens when Orwell meets your stuffy nose.
The nuclear family has withstood a lot of challenges over the years. Cadence McManimon explains why breadwinning begins before the wedding.
Since we don't seem to be responding too well to the fear-mongering over covid any longer, the authoritarians among us are doubling down on what they call "climate crisis." Edward Ring describes precautionary principle extremism and its application to climate mitigation.
The pushback on so many of the covid protocols wasn't about being contrary. As Stella Paul reminds us, it was about the death of informed consent.
Article of the Day:
How bad would things have to get for you to consider packing up and leaving the U.S.? Doug Casey has a marvelous take on when it's appropriate to make the so-called "Chicken Run."
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
2023 Sept 13 The Bryan Hyde Show
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
The idea that your home is your castle isn't just a romantic notion based in nostalgia. As Jeff Minnick explains, your home can and should be the last bastion of peace and normalcy in a world gone loco.
Glenn Meder joins me to discuss the online privacy and security webinar he's holding especially for my listeners tonight at 6pm MT. Here's the link if you'd like to join us.
We all like to receive gifts but very few of us know how to give gifts. James Walpole shares 5 characteristics of excellent gifts.
If there was any good that came out of the lockdowns and hysteria of covid, it was the lessons learned for those of us who put stock in being self-reliant. Daisy Luther has a great checklist of things to consider on the off chance that lockdowns are coming back.
Article of the Day:
The battle over free speech is intensifying and none of us is going to be able to safely sit this one out. Thomas Luongo connects the dots on Elon Musk, the ADL and why the war for free speech is heating up.
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
2023 Sept 12 The Bryan Hyde Show
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos drops by for our weekly chat. We talk about non-compliance, how to properly argue with people who wish to coerce you and a host of other relevant topics.
If you needed further proof that all the covid tyranny was purely about grabbing power rather than protecting the public, look no further. California governor Gavin Newsom does a masterful job of distancing himself from any responsibility for what he did.
Professional licensure seems like a good idea until you realize that it's simply converting something you have a right to do into a privilege which government then sells back to you. Jordan Peterson's licensing fiasco is a perfect example of how this can be abused.
Article of the day:
With the recent anniversary of 9/11, we're hearing the words "never again" from a lot of different folks. John Tamny invokes this phrase as it pertains to covid tyranny. And he's right on the money.
A quick reminder that tomorrow night (Wed 9/13) at 6pm MT, I'm inviting my listeners to a webinar on securing your online privacy. You can register for the webinar at this link. Hope to see you there.
Monday Sep 11, 2023
2023 Sept 11 The Bryan Hyde Show
Monday Sep 11, 2023
Monday Sep 11, 2023
It's good to be back in my own studio after a few days of filling in for KLIX morning man Bill Colley in Southern Idaho. Here's what's on tap today:
Jeff Einstein joins me to talk about the Quality of Life Resistance Movement. Jeff is a phenomenal writer and thinker and he has some powerful ideas on how to reverse the decline of quality of life.
The opportunists and power-seekers among us are once again pushing for the wearing of masks. Dr. Clayton J. Baker reveals the dirty little secret about how masks really 'work.'
The spirit of Abraham Lincoln lives on in New Mexico governor Grisham who declared an "emergency" last week in order to suspend First and Second Amendment rights. D. Parker has an informative take on where this type of authoritarinism leads.
Article of the Day:
All of us have been brainwashed to some degree. If we're serious about reaching those who have awakened enough to want a way out, it's going to take something more persuasive than shouted slogans to lead them to higher ground.
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
2023 Sept 5 The Bryan Hyde Show
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Welcome back from the Labor Day weekend, comrades! Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos is stopping by for our weekly conversation. Eric always has a solid take on what's going on.
Did you hear that a small rodent recently emerged from his basement and saw his shadow? Chuck Baldwin explains how Dr. Fauci has temporarily resurfaced to urge more stringent lockdowns and vaccinations.
Does it seem like more people are in mental crisis of late? Barry Brownstein's latest unpacks how Hayek can help us understand why people are losing their minds.
Article of the Day:
The sad truth before us that we will not be able vote our way out of the statist noose that's tightening around us. Brandon Smith notes that while the possible solutions are scary, it's time to bring back the citizen militia.
Friday Sep 01, 2023
2023 Sept 1 The Bryan Hyde Show
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Pointing out the problems that are plaguing America is pretty simple. Identifying solutions takes a bit more thought. Michael Ryan says, if you're scared for your country, here's what you can and must do.
Truth isn't just a matter of being right. As Andrea Widburg explains, it's essential to the function of a Republic. Which is why the left is working so hard to manipulate it.
Looking at the growing economic uncertainty, some of us wonder how we would weather hard times. Benjamin Williams explores the question, were Americans really better off during the Great Depression?
As someone who makes use of AirBnBs when traveling, I've seen a lot of advantages to a short-term vacation rental over a hotel or motel. However, as Charles Hugh Smith explains, America's resort towns are being destroyed by these short-term rentals.
Article of the Day:
Lawrence W. Reed is a truly great man and one of liberty's dearest defenders. Find the time to download and read his anthology of Mavericks and Misfits: Non-conformists Who Changed the World for Better or Worse.