Thursday Aug 17, 2023
2023 Aug 17 The Bryan Hyde Show
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Brad Green has been a friend of mine for some time. When I heard that he was running for Utah's 2nd Congressional district seat as a Libertarian, I wanted to have him as a guest to talk about why he's running.
We recently saw another example of the covid narrative coming unraveled. Now the FDA is admitting, in court, that doctors have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat covid. Here's the latest on the unforgivable ivermectin swindle.
It's not getting easier to track down the truth these days. YouTube has announced that it'll "ramping up" its efforts to censor medical misinformation.
Article of the Day:
The internet has changed our world in ways few of us might have anticipated. As Michael Herman points out, it also has mainstreamed deviancy to the point that social media is destroying our souls.
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
2023 Aug 16 The Bryan Hyde Show
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
We seem to be entering a new and unsettling period of American history. As Jeff Thomas puts it, we're approaching the point when all crimes are those against the state, and the rest of us have no rights.
The FBI's killing of Provo, Utah resident Craig Robertson isn't exactly passing the sniff test. Was this killing a message from a highly politicized secret police force to anyone who might defy the regime? Before you answer, check out this analysis from @TimOnPoint.
Not sure what to make of the ongoing Trump indictments? Thomas L. Knapp always has a thoughtful take that doesn't require choosing a side. He says, it's a bad idea to allow government to choose who we may or may not vote for.
The myth of the Wild West is popular but wrong. Stephen W. Carlson notes that the not so wild West was actually marked by protection of property rights and order.
Article of the Day:
The best advice you'll hear all day goes something like this: Don't assume that experts know something you do not. Eric Hussey explains why the expert class is nothing special in terms of intelligence.
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
2023 Aug 15 The Bryan Hyde Show
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
The one and only Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos drops by for his weekly visit. Eric always has an informed take on the latest developments in our journey through Bizarro World.
The instant popularity of singer Oliver Anthony likely is in proportion to how deeply his message regarding the "Rich Men North of Richmond" resonates with the forgotten citizens of this nation. J.B. Shurk warns the elite that the economic troubles will come for them too.
In that same vein, members of the educated class might be wise to pick up on the fact that many Americans have little reason to trust them. Jon Gabriel says the elites could use a lesson in humility.
Article of the Day:
If you're not familiar with psychologist Stanley Milgram's experiments, you should consider taking a closer look. Here's a great piece from Armando Simón on the relevance of Milgram's experiments today.
Monday Aug 14, 2023
2023 Aug 14 The Bryan Hyde Show
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Monday Aug 14, 2023
As time goes on, the truth about how covid was misrepresented and exploited to gain control over the public is becoming more clear. L. Matthew Meyers says covid is the A-bomb of our time and we have every reason to believe it will be used against us again.
Now is not the time to become complacent about the authoritarian actions that were taken against us during the pandemic. Brandon Smith reminds us to never forget those who showed us their true colors and what they were willing to do.
When your society is drowning in a sea of lies, you can't just keep going about life as usual. At least, not if you wish to maintain your connection with reality. Edward Curtain wonders, do people change?
One of the surest ways to rob yourself of peace of mind is to set out to know as much as possible about everything. Todd Hayen has some very solid advice on knowing all that we need to know and being okay with it.
Article of the Day:
The last 3 years have brought some painful lessons as well as some genuine wisdom. Jeffrey A. Tucker's latest essay asks, how have you changed? It's right on the money.
Friday Aug 11, 2023
2023 Aug 11 The Bryan Hyde Show
Friday Aug 11, 2023
Friday Aug 11, 2023
If you're serious about standing for what's good and true, there are time when compromise will not be an option. J.B. Shurk reminds us that evil never takes a holiday.
Gotta love the double standard we're seeing in the official outrage over Jason Aldean's song "Try That In a Small Town." Kurt Mahlburg wonders, how differently might the outraged react if Aldean were a rapper?
Want to see a great example of hypocrisy? Just watch what happens when the folks advocating for tax hikes are asked to start paying more in taxes regardless.
Here's a timely reminder from Michael Boldin from the Tenth Amendment Center about how referring to your natural rights by Amendment number empowers those who wish to restrict those rights.
Article of the Day:
An elderly Utah man who was recently killed in an FBI raid is the latest example of a show of force on the part of the feds. Michael Herman unpacks this disturbing trend and warns that we are all Roger Stone now.
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
2023 Aug 10 The Bryan Hyde Show
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
How do you know that what you're thinking is real? Dr. John C. Pulver stops by to talk about the importance of knowing what's influencing your thinking from within and from without.
Despite claims to the contrary, the nuclear family is not a figment of our nostalgic imaginations. Dennis M. O'Connor describes how the family unit is being targeted for destruction by low integrity ideologies.
Al Sharpton's take on American history is...lacking in many respects. Annie Holmquist what Sharpton could learn from Jefferson and Madison regarding education.
Of all the conflicts raging in our world today, the battle for your mind is the most concerning. Doug Casey has a great breakdown of the information war currently underway.
Article of the Day:
The beauty of the free market is that all transactions are voluntary. George Leef explains why everyone should have the freedom to contract or not.
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
2023 Aug 9 The Bryan Hyde Show
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
It's so easy to live in a state of perpetual distraction. Barry Brownstein wonders, what else are we missing, in terms of the little miracles all around us?
Serious question here, do you feel that inflation has subsided? It's likely that most of us are still experiencing sticker shock with every fill-up and trip to the supermarket. Brandon Smith says, hang on tight, because we're about to experience real inflation.
Anyone who has been on a snipe hunt can better appreciate the difference between what's real and what isn't. Toby Rogers notes that our biggest battles today are found in turning away from the artificial and ridiculous.
It's easy to dismiss the Deep State as conspiracy fodder. But that's usually because people are not well informed about it. Paul Rosenberg has a marvelous primer on the Deep State that provides some genuine perspective on what it is and what it isn't.
Article of the Day:
The more society has become fixated on all things "super-sized", the less free we've become. Kirkpatrick Sale says, now is the time to focus on making everything smaller.
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
2023 Aug 8 The Bryan Hyde Show
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
It's our weekly chat with Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos. We talk about the outlawing of certain lightbulbs and other current happenings of note.
Would you know if a tyrant was working to bring you under his control? Annie Holmquist shares 3 signs by which you can know that you're dealing with a tyrant.
Ready for a no-holds-barred summary of what's what? James Howard Kunstler says enjoy the pleasures of the last days of summer because it won't be long before the normies awaken.
If you haven't seen the knife-wielding robber who catches a world class beatdown from the employees of the store he's ransacking, it's memorable. Michael Herman has a brilliant synopsis of what this event reveals about society and about each of us.
Article of the Day:
It seems clear now that the doctors who authored a paper on the proximal origin of covid were persuaded to write a paper that denied what they believed among themselves. Jon Miltimore says now other scientists are calling their paper a "fraud" and "scientific misconduct."
Friday Aug 04, 2023
2023 Aug 4 The Bryan Hyde Show
Friday Aug 04, 2023
Friday Aug 04, 2023
There's no shortage of disorder around us but before we set out to fix it, we should fix whatever disorder exists within us. Dr. John C. Pulver joins me to talk about finding order in our lives.
Conscience is a highly personal thing. Not everyone is willing to stand up and be counted when there's a chance of being punished for doing so. The case of a Wisconsin teen who was arrested for reading bible verses outside an "all ages" drag show raises some interesting questions.
It takes a large amount of willful blindness to not see how the ruling class is refusing to abide by the proper limits on their power. J.B. Shurk warns that the "elites" cannot hide from the consequence of their actions.
Article of the Day:
Here it comes. The MSM is already urging us to "stay indoors" because of the "climate emergency." Could new lockdowns under the guise of global warming be far away?
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
2023 Aug 3 The Bryan Hyde Show
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Those who love and defend personal freedom catch a lot of hate these days from both wings of the uniparty. Logan Albright has some great insights on how liberty has become the universal scapegoat.
Fear is a useful tool in the hands of activists. Laura Dodsworth explains how the green agenda is fueled by fear as climate alarmists try to terrify us into changing our behavior.
Cities have long been equated with civilization but things are changing. Doug Casey makes a strong case that the ongoing deterioration of large cities may be a signal that it's time to relocate.
The fight over school choice is largely driven by resistance to the introduction of woke ideology and indoctrination into our government schools. Brandon Smith says the next generation is being groomed for destruction.
Article of the Day:
To fully grasp the irrationality of the ruling class towards former president Trump, it's necessary to follow the timeline of madness that began more than 7 years ago. Sasha Stone is a former Democrat and leftist who broke out of the bubble during the covid madness. Her take on Trump and the seeds of hysteria is enlightening.