Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
2023 July 18 The Bryan Hyde Show
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos drops by for our weekly chat. We take a detailed look a current events as they pertain to our freedoms.
Oh goody! The New York Times is taking a closer look at why people want guns and their findings are not very surprising. Andrea Widburg says that the left is now arguing that gun owners are insecure, paranoid and trigger happy.
One of the greatest things we can do for our children is to help them learn to avoid confusion and to think straight. Annie Holmquist says trust the science and skip the gender-neutral clothes and toys.
Article Of the Day:
Have you heard the story of the four kids who survived for more than 40 days following a plane crash in the Colombian jungle? It's a miracle, to put it mildly. Lenore Skenazy says, it's also a powerful lesson for overprotective parents.
Monday Jul 17, 2023
2023 July 17 The Bryan Hyde Show
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Monday Jul 17, 2023
The predators that stand the greatest chance of destroying us aren't wild beasts. As Paul Rosenberg explains, our natural predators are destructive ideas that we willingly embrace.
It's not just the world that's changing all around us, it's how people see the world. J.B. Shurk shares 10 paradigm shifts that shatter establishment illusions.
If you're serious about getting the most out of life, you must understand that life is about trade-offs. David Youngberg shares three economic lessons to help you get the most out of your career and your life.
With all the talk about reparations for slavery, there are some serious questions that need to be answered. David R. Henderson and Charles L. Hooper have an informative take on the surprising beneficiaries of slavery.
The older I get, the more I love authentic rebels. Mark Oshinskie shares some sad news about the weakening and corruption of an entire generation of rebels.
Friday Jul 14, 2023
2023 July 14 The Bryan Hyde Show
Friday Jul 14, 2023
Friday Jul 14, 2023
How can you know if something is a natural right or simply a made up obligation? Judge Andrew Napolitano governments hate and fear the exercise of natural rights because they limit official power over you.
Most of us are acclimated to the idea that a lot of government overreach makes little or no sense. Lawrence W. Reed reminds why FDR banned the sale of sliced bread during WWII.
When did journalism, as we knew it, die? Sasha Stone says it happened on Nov 8, 2016 and she gives a thorough recounting of what replaced it afterward.
The greatest manipulation of the public isn't so much a matter of the lies we're being told as it's a matter of the things we're not being told. Pastor Chuck Baldwin shares three important news items that most news media forgot to tell us about.
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
2023 July 13 The Bryan Hyde Show
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Pretending that free speech isn't under attack is no longer an option. C.J. Jones explains how Michigan is moving to make "hate" speech a felony and it's not likely to stop there.
This is a really uncomfortable subject but it needs to be faced squarely, nonetheless. J.B. Shurk says our government's current system of two-tiered "justice" is intended to incite rebellion.
Even as the Bundy family is seeing the beginnings of their vindication over federal lying and persecution, the heat is being turned up on Ammon Bundy. His letter to the new judge presiding over the civil suit filed by St. Lukes has crucial information the corporate media will not share.
A growing trend of loneliness is taking place in our society. Michael Snyder says more Americans are living alone than ever before.
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
2023 July 12 The Bryan Hyde Show
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
It's like a bad gag from the Simpsons cartoon, but this time Mr. Burns isn't the one wanting to block the sun. Thomas L. Knapp weighs in on the latest trial balloon being floated by the Biden administration to address climate change.
Peace seems to be in short supply currently but that doesn't mean we should consider it obsolete. Barry Brownstein explains why president Kennedy's 1963 "peace speech" still matters today.
The trend toward diversity, inclusion and equity is making struggle sessions fashionable once again. Robert A. Bishop spells out how DIE training is modern Maoism seeking to punish thoughtcrime.
Ready for a no-nonsense breakdown of what's going on? James Howard Kunstler says the blob is beginning to quiver and that's good news for the rest of us.
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
2023 July 11 The Bryan Hyde Show
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos swings by to catch up on the latest developments in post-reality America.
It's looking as though we're only going to appreciate the wisdom of the founders once we've completely squandered the opportunity they gave us for self governance. Case in point, is there any such thing as legislation any more?
The fed's case against the Bundy family went up in smoke in 2018. Now the second Wooten memo has been released and it confirms what many of us were saying all along: The feds lied and tried to provoke a violent outcome at Bundy Ranch in 2014.
Mark Herr from the Center for Self Governance joins me to talk about the Wooten memo as well as ways each of us can begin governing ourselves.
Monday Jul 10, 2023
2023 July 10 The Bryan Hyde Show
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Discouragement is pretty common right now among those who are paying attention. Richard Chiero has some great insights into the underlying, uncomfortable reality at the core of America's malaise.
Much of today's schooling is based in emotion rather than traditional learning. Annie Holmquist makes a strong case that emotion-based learning is not the education that our children need.
Medical self-sufficiency is becoming a necessity for anyone who is serious about his or her freedom. Allen Stevo describes the end of the fat libertarian and the reason we need to take better care of ourselves.
If you need a quick but effective reset of your perspective, Paul Rosenberg suggests a simple way to do it: Think about the last time you held a baby.
A good measure of our societal decline is how reflexively our media jumps to defend the indefensible. The film "Sound of Freedom" is being panned by pundits who seem determined to defend child trafficking.
Friday Jul 07, 2023
2023 July 7 The Bryan Hyde Show
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Friday Jul 07, 2023
This may be a touchy subject but it's one that deserves serious discussion. Brandon Smith wonders, why American churches are eerily silent when the country needs them the most.
It's not uncommon to hear the term "dead end job" used to refer to entry-level work. Art Carden has a thoughtful essay on why America needs more "McJobs."
We all know individuals who are currently dealing with pain, loneliness and sorrow. Jon Miltimore shares a favorite literary passage that helps put things into perspective.
Not to pick open an old wound but would it surprise you to learn that a study by the British medical journal Lancet disappeared within 24 hours? Specifically, it was a study that purports to show that a high number of deaths could be attributed to reactions to the covid vaccine. Interesting.
What happens to societies that surrender their moral foundation? Allen Mashburn says, we don't have to guess. Historically, these societies self-destruct.
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
2023 July 6 The Bryan Hyde Show
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
If the battle over free speech seems like so many rumblings in the distance, think again. As J.B. Shurk explains, the realities of hate speech policies are making it clear that language bans are the battleground for ideas.
Finding common ground with the people around us isn't easy. James R. Harrigan asks a very relevant question: What are the harmonizing sentiments of our day?
Tom Krannawitter always has a take worth considering. If you missed his thoughts on Independence Day, they're worth your time.
With the help of a compliant media, the authorities responsible for the carnage of covid policies are desparately trying to rewrite history. It's pretty rich to see former CDC director Rochelle Walensky warning about the dangers of "politicizing science."
The question of justice over deadly covid policies still hangs over us. Stella Paul reminds us that the depravity of the hospital protocol has created an army of the grieving.
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
2023 July 5 The Bryan Hyde Show
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
I'm back from a 10 day hiatus and boy do I have a lot to get off my chest. My sincere thanks to those of you who reached out to me during my absence to see if I was okay. That means a lot to me.
Monetary policy affects anyone who uses money, so it's strange how few people spend much time contemplating it. Robert E. Wright provides some needed historical perspective on how Imperial monetary policy helped drive America's move toward independence.
No one enjoys suffering, yet it's an inescapable part of life. Paul Rosenberg explains why suffering is required if you're going to live in any way other than what those in authority prescribe.
While we were celebrating our independence, a federal judge issued a decisive smackdown to federal agencies that seek to collude with social media companies to create a Ministry of Truth. If backdoor censorship is something that concerns you, this is some very good news.
You may not think of yourself as a revolutionary. Yet, as Daisy Luther points out, anything you do that bolsters your independence is considered a revolutionary act by those who wish to control you.