Friday Jun 23, 2023
2023 June 23 The Bryan Hyde Show
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Dr. John C. Pulver from Climbing Upwards joins me to talk about the dangers of being self-satisfied. We also discuss the importance of mentors and interdependence to help each of us reach our potential.
Far too many people regard Constitution as something that has less relevance in our lives as time goes by. As Michael Boldin explains, our true Constitutional crisis stems from the peoples' unwillingness to defend their freedoms.
Like it or not, newspeak is being imposed on us every time the definition of commonly understood words are changed to meet new, politically correct standards. C.G Jones pleads, for the love of English, stop changing definitions.
As much as many of us would like to see authentic accountability on the part of those who abused us over the past 3 years, they're still dodging responsibility. Bill Rice spells out the great great debate that will not happen.
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
2023 June 22 The Bryan Hyde Show
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
A person could be forgiven for wondering if we are living in George Orwell's novel "1984" right now. Jon Miltimore has a fascinating take on 3 real life sources that inspired Orwell to write the book.
Public safety is a well-intended goal but it can definitely be taken too far. Lenore Skenazy weighs in on the folly of cops telling parents how to raise their kids.
The same folks who so relentlessly pushed lockdowns, masks and vaccine mandates are determined to solidify their control with a digital currency. Brandon Smith asks the question looming over us: When to they intend to impose this system?
The cult of the athlete has quietly been pushed aside by the cult of the expert. If you're serious about extricating yourself from the dominant groupthink of our time, check out this commentary on pro-covid mandate scientists using the "expert" fallacy to avoid fair debate.
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
2023 June 21 The Bryan Hyde Show
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
No matter how hopeless you may feel about how things, there is an awakening taking place. Jack Gleason says the quiet riot against insanity inn America is gaining strength.
Professor Peter Hotez is the new public face of big pharma and he's running interference for the vaccine narrative in a big way. Jordan Schachtel has some necessary background on the establishment's new snake oil salesman.
Those of us who live in flyover country have many reasons to be grateful. For those who live in large cities, here's what an ordinary citizen's bill of rights might look like.
It's still pretty early to be getting wound up over the 2024 presidential election. Caitlin Johnstone has 15 questions that are more useful than "What presidential candidate should I vote for?"
Two words that need to be a part of our individual lexicon are the terms "nullfication" and "secession." Thomas DiLorezno has a great explanation of why these should be imperatives for lovers of freedom.
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
2023 June 20 The Bryan Hyde Show
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos drops by for a good old fashioned wrongthink session.
Too many laws can be a bad thing but so is failure to enforce the once that protect life, liberty and property. Jon Miltimore's essay on California's attempt to outlaw employees from confronting shoplifters highlights some really bad public policy-making.
There's a lot of weird stuff going on at the moment. Noticeable military movements and increasing evidence of official corruption at the highest levels have James Howard Kunstler wondering about our strange days.
Father's Day is past and it's once again safe to treat dads as goofy, unnecessary fools again. Thomas Harrington says those silly dads on TV are how the social engineers among us view real fathers.
Those cartoons many of us grew up watching weren't just a distraction or entertainment. Annie Holmquist notes that the classic cartoons helped to created a culturally literate generation.
Monday Jun 19, 2023
2023 June 19 The Bryan Hyde Show
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Being a truthseeker requires an absolute commitment to questioning any and all narratives. Max Border has an excellent essay on media manipulators and how to slay their favorite forms of groupthink.
All the talk about UFOs and extra-terrestrial craft is certainly raising some interesting possibilities. Thomas L. Knapp sums up the dilemma many of us face when he says, I want to believe but I trust no one (well, no one from the government, anyway).
Serious about propaganda-proofing yourself? As Caitlin Johnstone explains, you must first understand why propaganda works.
The Southern Poverty Law Center has once again released its updated list of "hate" and "extremist" groups. When you see who is on this year's list, you'll start to understand why the SPLC is nothing more than grifting alarmists.
It's not often you hear the words "wisdom" and "hippies" in the same company. However, Paul Rosenberg's latest essay on the wisdom of the hippies is motivational in exactly the right way.
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
2023 June 15 The Bryan Hyde Show
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Trying to keep your sanity right now feels a lot like swimming upstream and getting tired. Vincent McCaffrey explains how our obsession with current politics is distracting us from knowing and applying the wisdom of the ages.
Do you take the time to fill out customer satisfaction surveys? After reading Art Carden's article where he describes it as a civic duty, I may have to rethink how often I avoid doing this.
Stories of redemption teach us some of the finest aspects of being human. Annie Holmquist shares her take on those who overcome life's tragedies to become good fathers.
One of the biggest differences between the Founders' generation and our own was their views on education. Jordan Alexander has a marvelous comparison between the Founders' education and what we call "education" today.
We all love the option of a day off work and an excuse to celebrate. At the same time, as Doug Casey notes, holidays have become politicized and politicians are creating fake ones to push identity politics.
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
2023 June 14 The Bryan Hyde Show
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Since when is permission supposed to be a part of free speech? Bill Rice explores how what we can say and what we can't say is increasingly becoming permission-based.
According to what I see on social media, just about everyone's life is perfect and carefree. However, for those of us who may be dealing with life's trials and tribulations, here are 16 tactics that make a lot of sense.
It's not very fashionable today to speak of the Republic as if it were something to be preserved. Melvin Anderson describes what it will take and why it's worth the effort to do it.
If you're up to a full strength analysis of our current situation, here it is. James Howard Kunstler says our world is changing deeply and we're not finished.
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
2023 June 13 The Bryan Hyde Show
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos drops by to administer our weekly reality supplement. We talk about hidden costs, stewardship and how to stay tethered to reality in a time of universal deceit.
Staying optimistic these days takes serious effort. Paul Rosenberg says we make it much harder on ourselves than we have to. His take on the truth we can't accept is very eye-opening.
Only a masochist could truly enjoy being immersed in the daily news headlines right now. Jeff Thomas confirms that there is much to cause concern as we're looking forward, there's also reason for hope.
We're all seeing a lot of religious symbolism dominating the public square right now. As Kurt Mahlburg explains, it's not whether we'll soon have blasphemy laws, but which ones."
Monday Jun 12, 2023
2023 June 12 The Bryan Hyde Show
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Monday Jun 12, 2023
It has never been more essential to seek the truth, seek honesty, ask questions and to believe nothing until you can personally verify it. So warns Lew Rockwell in an excellent piece on the danger of propaganda.
Corporate media is among the things that are rapidly changing before our eyes. Jon Miltimore says cable news is likely to disappear within the next 10 years and that's okay.
The narrative managers have begun to panic over their inability to keep the public misinformed enough to be controllable. Adam Mill notes that if we can't get reliable information from legacy media, we'll find another way.
If you've ever doubted whether the state views your children as its own assets, here's a story to keep your eye on. Politicians in California have introduced legislation to punish parents who do not affirm their child's gender dysphoria.
Be warned, this is not good news. The Brownstone Institute reports that the 50 states are becoming mini-dictatorships who carry out the orders of the D.C. elite.
Friday Jun 09, 2023
2023 June 9 The Bryan Hyde Show
Friday Jun 09, 2023
Friday Jun 09, 2023
Hypothetically, if the federal government was filled with corruption, where's the best place to start addressing that problem? Matt Rowe says, start at the local level where your influence still matters.
How can you know for sure your government is lying to you? J.B. Shurk says it's when your government accuses you of being a source of misinformation.
The struggle for power that is currently underway is more than just a political battle. Charles Hugh Smith explains how it's also a psychological one and social defeat and depression are a huge part of how it impacts us.
There's no denying that technology like AI is causing sweeping changes. Here's an interesting look at America's fastest-shrinking jobs and the services that are no longer required.
On a related note, if you're feeling fearful about the growing presence of AI in our world, Thomas L. Knapp has some great advice on how he learned to relax and love the AI-pocalypse.