Monday Apr 24, 2023
2023 Apr 24 The Bryan Hyde Show
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Monday Apr 24, 2023
The censorship industrial complex has been created to maintain control of an official narrative. Getting to the truth requires breaking free from that narrative. Paul Rosenberg explains what Julian Assange was really doing and why he has been silenced.
Wokeness has not been forced upon us in one dramatic event. As The Good Citizen documents, it has been introduced into and overtaken our institutions first steathily and now openly.
We've all learned a lot of painful lessons since 2020. Bretigne Shaffer reminds us why health emergencies are too important to be left to government agencies.
The left's growing fascination with our children isn't purely of a sexual nature. It's about indoctrinating them as early as possible. As Rajan Laad notes, the BBC has created an instruction manual teaching kids how to propagandize their parents.
What's happening in our society has a familiar feel to anyone who has taken a serious look at Mao's Cultural Revolution. Check out what a survivor of that revolution says about the features and tactics Mao used.
The histrionic calls for disarming the American populace are growing. Brandon Smith states the uncomfortable truth many would like to avoid: American patriots need guns because a war is coming.
Friday Apr 21, 2023
2023 Apr 21 The Bryan Hyde Show
Friday Apr 21, 2023
Friday Apr 21, 2023
As horrific as it may sound, the media loves when someone goes on a shooting spree. It means outrage and that means ratings. D. Parker lays out the medias role in mass shootings.
It's interesting that the legacy media is working to marginalize RFK Jr. as a fringe candidate. Jordan Schachtel explores the possibilities of the last Kennedy Democrat and why the establishment is already cranking up the fear.
Do you find yourself having to do mental gymnastics lately over pronouns? David Lanza explains how the war on pronouns is really a war on language.
People who are life-long learners can attest that there are plenty of lessons to be learned in nearly every situations. Aletheia Hitz shares what 3 years of working in retail taught her about life.
The journalists who have helped to pull back the curtain on the Censorship Industrial Complex have angered those who prefer to work in the shadows. Now Democrats on Capitol Hill are threatening these journalists with prison.
It's a lot easier to achieve scientific consensus when you actively suppress and censor dissenting voices. Maryanne Demasi shares how she learned that what we call scientific consensus has become a manufactured construct.
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
2023 Apr 20 The Bryan Hyde Show
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
We're not supposed to notice certain things that are becoming a little too commonplace. Doug Casey weighs in on the rising crime, legalized shoplifting and other disturbing trends in U.S. cities.
Here's an idea worth exploring: Stop setting our clocks forward or back twice a year. Bretigne Shaffer describes how to nullify daylight savings.
A lot of folks have been quick to pronounce Twitter dead following Elon Musk's purchase and takeover of the social media platform. The jury is still out on this. Sasha Stone reminds us that Musk didn't "ruin" Twitter, politics did.
April 19 has come and gone and with it, the 30 year anniversary of the FBI's disastrous assault on the Branch Davidians in Texas. James Bovard says 30 years later, Waco is still damning.
The NRA's recent convention triggered already fragile leftists who were furious at the prospect of kids being "groomed" to see firearms in a positive light. Olivia Murray describes their selective outrage over what is and isn't appropriate for kids.
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
2023 Apr 19 The Bryan Hyde Show
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
There were a lot of mistakes made over the past 3 years but one of the most despicable was the segregation of society into "essential" and "non-essential." Jeffrey A. Tucker spells out exactly what was meant by those terms.
Annie Holmquist always has a take worth considering. Her latest essay "Choosing Children...Over More Than Just Guns" is especially insightful.
It's not hard to sense the contempt that the ruling class feels for the rest of us. J.B. Shurk lets us in on the little secret that the elite would rather we didn't know: They fear us.
Were doctors and other health care providers pushing the covid vaccine on their patients in return for monetary bonuses? It appears that this perverse incentive was a reality in some states.
For all the umbrage that NPR showed over being identified as "state-affiliated media" on Twitter, they're sure doing a good job of acting like that's what they are. Tom Woods shares some key observations by journalist Glenn Greenwald on the matter.
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
2023 Apr 18 The Bryan Hyde Show
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos joins me for our weekly freedom therapy session.
When individuals make an effort to "love one another" as God commands, it can be a source of great beauty. Paul Rosenberg explains why this is easy to say but hard to put into actual practice.
Rule of, by and for the people is what most people mean when they say "democracy." Robert E. Wright says we can save this kind authentic democracy by ending the government's compulsory monopoly.
Gone are the days when there was a pretense of fairness on the part of mainstream media. Tim Hartnett spells out the one-side-fits-all approach of those who feel the stakes are too high to play fair anymore.
There comes a point where the departure from reality becomes a conscious embrace of evil. James Howard Kunstler says it's time to call the exorcist.
Monday Apr 17, 2023
2023 Apr 17 The Bryan Hyde Show
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Pointing out what's wrong in the world is the easiest thing ever. Changing the world for the better takes real effort and Dan Sanchez suggests that improving yourself raises a standard for everyone around you.
The recent leaks regarding U.S. involvement in Ukraine have shown us some ugly truths. Thomas L. Knapp notes that one of the ugliest is that mainstream media is a tool of those in power and not a watchdog for the public.
The speed with which U.S. media goes to work to vilify and smear whistleblowers is a pretty good indicator of how they are simply narrative managers for the political class. Jordan Schachtel says, if you want to be a whistleblower, you better support the 'current thing.'
Wokeness is reaching a tipping point of sorts. And it's not necessarily a positive one for the woke. Jeffrey A. Tucker weighs in on what the Bud Light fiasco reveals about the ruling class.
Monday Apr 10, 2023
2023 Apr 10 The Bryan Hyde Show
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Is the right to self defense being carefully done away with? The Texas man who shot and killed an antifa protestor that pointed a loaded rifle at him in Austin in 2020 was originally exonerated. Last week a politically-motivated DA had him convicted of murder.
The militant trans activists seem determined to find a dog they can kick until it bites. Brandon Smith lists the many reasons transgender grievance culture is garbage.
The folks who want to shape public opinion sure would like us to forget about what they euphemistically are calling "the events of March 2020." Jeffrey A. Tucker warns, don't let them memory hole what was done to us.
If you've been sitting on the fence as to whether "the science" has been corrupted or not, here's something to consider. Check out this unbelievable exchange between Del Bigtree and Neil DeGrasse Tyson.
Friday Apr 07, 2023
2023 Apr 7 The Bryan Hyde Show
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Every time it seems things can't get more bizarre, the Universe pulls another "hold my beer" moment on us. John Green describes what we're going through as a pandemic of cognitive dissonance as we try to navigate conflicting assertions and realities.
The risks of a central bank digital currency are plentiful. Robert E. Wright reminds us that CBDCs would not be money in the sense used in the Constitution.
Money issues are taking a backseat right now to the growing culture war but don't get complacent. Daisy Luther warns that, while everyone's distracted, the dollar is dying.
John Pulver joins me to talk about how to lose that feeling of helplessness when the world seems to be spinning out of control. If you're serious about choosing your future self, consider spending some time on his website.
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
2023 Apr 4 The Bryan Hyde Show
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
It's our weekly freedom therapy session with Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos.
To understand the predicament we find ourselves in, we must be willing to consider the possibility that our votes have been effectively negated at almost every level. This thread unroll from Twitter describes the permanent bureaucracy that is untouchable by voters.
The indictment of a former president is opening Pandora's box for every president from here on out. Victor Davis Hanson warns that indicting one and all is a perfect was to destroy the Republic.
Like a lot of people, I'm seriously evaluating how I can be kinder yet still make a principled stand for the things that matter most. Paul Rosenberg has a great explanation on why kindness doesn't change the world, especially when dealing with sociopaths.
If you're not familiar with the book The Fourth Turning, you might be surprised at how relevant it is to our current situation. Jeff Thomas has an excellent essay on the coming tipping point of our current Fourth Turning.
In yesterday's show I referenced the recent column by Sasha Stone that beautifully describes how our system of governance has been turned against us. Here's her essay if you'd like to read it for yourself.
Monday Apr 03, 2023
2023 Apr 3 The Bryan Hyde Show
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
While the political left celebrates its anticipated destruction of Donald Trump, there's a bigger picture to keep in mind. Jeffrey A. Tucker reminds us that the emergency that began 3 years ago is not over and it's an emergency of unrestrained government.
If you want a no-hold-barred take on what the Trump indictment amounts to, Tom Luongo is terrific. He says this indictment signals the end of U.S. politics.
There's no shortage of controversy over what is being taught in our government schools. Jacob Hornberger offers an effective, common sense solution: separate school and state.
What comes next for educating our children? Kerry McDonald says schooling was for the industrial era but unschooling is the future.
The inversion of reality always starts with language. If you've been struggling to translate what the people who wish to dominate you are actually saying, this primer from M.B. Matthews should be helpful.
To fully appreciate the perversion of justice that Jan 6 defendants are facing, you must understand how weaponized the "justice" system has become. Julie Kelly's latest column on the type of jurors allowed is shocking, to put it mildly.