Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
2023 Jan 31 The Bryan Hyde Show
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
It's our weekly check in with Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos. There's a lot going on in our world and Eric is a welcome voice of reason in helping to make sense of it all.
Despite their vehement denials, proponents of Marxism are very active in many of our institutions today. Paul Rosenberg has a timely definition of one of the favorite targets of Marxists--the bourgeois--and why we should be proud to be called such.
If you're serious about understanding the situation in which we find ourselves today, it's essential to have a grasp of what led us here. The Good Citizen has compiled a wonderful primer of 101 steps to enslave humanity (part one is 1-56) and it fills in a lot of the blanks for those who wish to know.
Is it better to rule a corrupted system or to be ruled by a corrupted system? Josiah Lippincott says the answer is neither. He lays out our political situation and says the words we must live by are: We will not submit.
Monday Jan 30, 2023
2023 Jan 30 The Bryan Hyde Show
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
It's a shame to see Reader's Digest jumping on the bandwagon to clamor for gun control. David Codrea does a great job of dismantling their demands for "commonsense gun control" that would leave only the ruling class armed.
You may not own or even want a pistol brace but you still have a stake in the matter, nonetheless. D. Parker explains why the ATF's new pistol brace rule is nothing more than a cluster of enforcement traps.
Parables are a wonderful thing. They can speak to many people on many different levels of understanding. Robert E. Wright has a marvelous parable that tackles the age-old question: Who will build the roads?
The obstacles that stand in the way of claiming our freedom are significant. Before you lose hope, consider Barry Brownstein's latest essay on how obstacles to freedom can become the way to freedom.
The ideological takeover of America's newsrooms has brought us to a state of constant psychological warfare. David James has an informative take on the grim future of establishment journalism.
Friday Jan 27, 2023
2023 Jan 27 The Bryan Hyde Show
Friday Jan 27, 2023
Friday Jan 27, 2023
This may not strike an heroic chord with some folks but the Utah doctor who helped parents to free their kids from vax mandates is a stand up guy. Jordan Schachtel explains why the feds are wrong to be prosecuting him.
Like it or not, your leadership is sorely needed right now. Dan Sanchez spells out the 3 levels of leadership that Leonard E. Read identified and how each of them impacts the people around you.
It's not name-calling to note that a great many people were brainwashed into accepting medical tyranny. Jessica Marie Baumgartner has a great take on forgiving the medically brainwashed in the post-covid era.
A Pfizer exec caught on video discussing the company's interest in mutating the virus to keep the vaccine cash cow alive should be pretty big news, right? So why aren't corporate media outlets talking about this?
Speaking of cash cows, the U.S. military industrial complex is starting to look like the enormous grift that it is. The Z-man has some unpopular truths to share about a great boondoggle that's been around for most of our lifetimes.
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
2023 Jan 26 The Bryan Hyde Show
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Seven years ago today, LaVoy Finicum's life was unjustly taken. I had the privilege of getting to know this champion of freedom personally in the year prior to his death.
A few years ago, Jeffrey A. Tucker was hauled into traffic court. His article on how to steal $75,000 from the poor is quite eye-opening. Law and order types will want to take their blood pressure meds before hearing this one.
One of the biggest selling points of the free market is that people are free to take their business elsewhere. Jen Maffessanti lays out what consumer sovereignty is and why customers are the boss.
"Who will build the roads?" is a common refrain when people are justifying the need for the state. Thomas Walker-Werth explains how government road-building killed innovation in transportation.
Heaven help the brave souls who will not bend the knee to Alphabet Mafia. Ivan Provorov is one who stood fast in his faith by refusing to don a rainbow hockey jersey. And he's paying a price for staying true to his beliefs.
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
2023 Jan 25 The Bryan Hyde Show
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Keeping your bearings during the current upheaval can be a challenge. Find the time to take a look at Jim Quinn's latest analysis on our Fourth Turning is combining with mass formation psychosis.
This won't be good news for everyone but for those of us who have worked to protect our freedom from the covid fear-mongers, it's encouraging. Robert Blumen says the game is over and they have lost.
It's clear that many people are finally awakening to what is being done to us. James Howard Kunstler calls it the end of reality consensus disorder.
The advent of AI is set to change our world in big ways. Walker Larson explains what writing is and why we misunderstand the importance of the coming of ChatGPT.
When it comes to describing Congress and its efforts to raise the debt ceiling, the Babylon Bee said it best. Their headline stated: Congress debates how to raise the theft ceiling. Ron Paul breaks down the debt ceiling hysteria and hypocrisy.
Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
2023 Jan 24 The Bryan Hyde Show
Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos drops in for another of our regular Tuesday therapy sessions. If you're in need of a healthy dose of rationality, Eric always delivers.
Hindsight is always helpful in connecting the dots we couldn't see when things were going sideways. Huck Davenport reminds us that time has shown that the 'paranoid' people were correct about covid.
We all can use a good pep talk from time to time. John Green has a very timely essay on how we are not victims unless we choose to be.
Sometimes it feels as though it's getting harder to find people who are still serious about seeking truth. Aletheia Hitz says truth is more than propositional. It's not just what we say but how we say it that matters.
Monday Jan 23, 2023
2023 Jan 23 The Bryan Hyde Show
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
As a member of Gen X, one of the biggest generational shifts in my lifetime is the shift from personal to positional morality. Robin Koerner explains how seeking to control others rather than yourself is changing our society.
Is it true that only a moral people can be free? Paul Rosenberg's take on this question is worth considering.
Trying to persuade your fellow countrymen that right and wrong still exist, is a battle few are willing to fight. Anthony Esolen notes that a massive effort at moral rebuilding is necessary and needs to start sooner than later.
Free speech matters more than we might think. Julian Adorney and Mark Johnson say that the opponents of free speech are gaining ground and we need to fight back.
The regulatory state is more dangerous than you think. Robert E. Wright provides some powerful insight into how the power to regulate is the power to control.
Few things will stop our personal success in its tracks like a victim mindset. Mark Johnson has an interesting solution as he teaches how to cultivate an internal locus of control that puts you in charge of your life.
Friday Jan 20, 2023
2023 Jan 20 The Bryan Hyde Show
Friday Jan 20, 2023
Friday Jan 20, 2023
The divisions throughout society are mighty deep. Jack Gleason has some timely advice for effectively communicating with brainwashed friends and family.
The public's trust issues with the medical establishment are not without merit. And when the medical establishment tells us that belief in freedom is bad for us, it doesn't make things any better.
Maybe it's the current lack of unspun news that makes truth so important to those of us who treasure it. Mark Creech lays out what it means to love the truth in a time when falsehood is king.
Now that mainstream media outlets are admitting that there may be justifiable concerns over covid vaccine side effects, there are a couple of questions we need to be asking. Kit Knightly says those questions are: "Why this and why now?"
When the president starts bloviating about how "no one needs an AR-15" it's tempting to wonder what exactly has been keeping him up at night. Charles C.W. Cooke skillfully disarms Biden's most grotesque gun control argument.
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
2023 Jan 19 The Bryan Hyde Show
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
There seems to be growing darkness in almost any direction we turn right now. Larry Alton describes why if there was ever a time to remember why families are more important than ever, this is it.
After the Supreme Court's Bruen decision, the right to keep and bear arms has been on pretty solid ground. Then along comes the ATF and with a simple rule change, law abiding citizens face being transformed into criminals overnight.
Practical skills are good to have and philosophy counts as a practical skill, especially in times of confusion and disinformation. Aletheia Hitz has a strong argument for why we should study philosophy.
The systems that seek to rule us work very hard to convince us that they alone can fix our inadequacies. And a surprising number of people will defend those systems to the bitter end. George Ford Smith explains how political salvation is slow suicide.
The past 3 years have shown us that medical tyranny is not simply a dystopian conspiracy theory. Paul Craig Roberts shares how in his lifetime, he has witnessed the death of independent medicine and fair trials.
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
2023 Jan 18 The Bryan Hyde Show
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
The idea that taxation is theft seems pretty obvious to anyone who understands the nature of the state. Jeff Thomas has a relatable explanation that will likely convince even those who want to assure the state that they love it.
Anyone who is aware of the World Economic Forum can see that there's serious mischief afoot. J.B. Shurk has a terrific essay on what's going on and how a revolution in the minds of the people will be necessary to stop the WEF.
Holding the right people accountable for the covid disaster is going to require swimming against the tide. James Howard Kunstler explains what that might look like and why we need testimony, not documents, to get to the truth.
The pressure to normalize the word games of the pronoun gang is pervasive and intense. Check out this short video of a guy explaining how it's a form of manipulation disguising itself as manners.
Few people have been more willing to speak truth to power and suffer the wrath of those in power than Ammon Bundy. He's a controversial figure to some but you should take the time to read his letter to the Idaho officials who are ruthlessly seeking to destroy him.