Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
2023 Jan 17 The Bryan Hyde Show
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Tuesdays are always a treat as my friend Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos stops by to chat about what's happening. His latest take on corporate shills and mercenaryism is worth hearing.
Can you sense the shift in the attitude of the ruling class? They're frightened and maybe with good reason. James Howard Kunstler notes the glug glug, gurgle gurgle sounds that may indicate the ship of state is in trouble.
Assuming that you're getting yourself squared away for tougher times, here's a piece of knowledge that should serve you well. Milan Adams explains why the gray man strategy of not drawing attention to yourself is something worth knowing.
Most of the solutions to our needs can be met locally, if we're willing to work and coordinate with others. Christine Black describes what a local alternative is really like when it comes to butchering and packing your own meat.
Monday Jan 16, 2023
2023 Jan 16 The Bryan Hyde Show
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Being able to think rationally in a time when everything is in commotion is a kind of superpower. Todd Hayen has a marvelous article on why "right or wrong, I am sticking with what I believe" is a dangerous way to to think.
None of us wants to believe that we are helping to bring about tyranny but the fact is, sometimes we are. Barry Brownstein's latest is a must read as he describes how individuals enable tyranny.
We live in a time when authentic heroes are being systematically erased from the public's memory. Lawrence W. Reed explains why heroes matter--and now more than ever.
Some solutions seem too simple to be true. For instance, a return to basic moral and ethical principles is vital to the survival of a healthy society. Uldis Sprogis spells out how this simple truth applies to our society today.
If the powers that be are serious about implementing a central bank digital currency (CBDC), they must first outlaw any competing cryptocurrency. Paul Rosenberg says the claims that crypto mining is a danger to the environment are part of that effort to seize control of cryptocurrency.
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
2023 Jan 11 The Bryan Hyde Show
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
If the founders gave us a government for a moral people, what happens when we stop being moral? Joe Strader points out that we face a moral conundrum in the coming ideological battle.
It may seem too simple to be true but the best way to effect change in the world is to start with ourselves. Annie Holmquist reveals how good government starts in our marriages, our minds and our communities.
James Bovard is one of my favorite writers because he seamlessly combines penetrating insights with razor sharp wit. Check out this collection of his best pandemic potshots and other epigrams.
Like the old t-shirt used to say: Hard work fascinates me, I could watch it for hours. Stephen Whitney has a thoughtful take on finding the value in hard work.
Brandon Smith has an eye-opening article on how the digitization of humanity shows why the globalist agenda is evil. It might sound like a tinfoil hat conspiracy, if it weren't coming from the mouths of World Economic Forum members themselves.
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
2023 Jan 10 The Bryan Hyde Show
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
It's our weekly visit with Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos. We discuss the WEF's war on rurality and how personal secession is the key to extricating yourself from the systems trying to subjugate us.
Have you noticed how the only absolute we're still allowed to believe in is that there are no absolutes. Paul Rosenberg explains how if there's life and death, there's right and wrong.
Some will find this very hard to consider but there are clear parallels between the last days of the Weimar Republic and where we are culturally today. Check out this Twitter thread that connects some of the dots between abandoning reality/morality and serious societal decline.
Now that Jan 6 has come and gone, it's time to state a very uncomfortable truth: There was a coup but it wasn't carried out by the so-called "insurrectionists." John Dale Dunn asks, what if there was a real coup and nobody noticed?
Monday Jan 09, 2023
2023 Jan 9 The Bryan Hyde Show
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Even though most of us have heard of the FTX cryptocurrency fiasco, we'd be hard pressed to explain exactly what happened. Paul Rosenberg has a brilliant synopsis of the FTX heist, in brief. Definitely worth a read.
Some things are worth defending, no matter how hopeless it may seem at the moment. Jay Davidson reminds us that before can defend our society, we must know ourselves. That means knowing what came before us.
Do you still trust your doctor like you did before covid? Many of us are struggling with trust issues based on what we've experienced. James Howard Kunstler says we need to see some sincere repentance by the medical community.
The hard economic reality is that we cannot stop the crash/reset that is headed our way. However, as Brandon Smith explains, there may be a way to create a parallel economies that will allow us to abandon the doomed systems.
Do you ever struggle with the thought that life is meaningless? Todd Hayen has an interesting take on a meaningless life and why there may be dark forces that are trying to make us feel that way.
You don't have to be a fanboy of Dr. Jordan Peterson to understand why he enjoys such broad appeal. His refusal to bend the knee to the woke has some members of officialdom calling for Peterson's re-education. Their threats are really a warning to the rest of us.
Friday Jan 06, 2023
2023 Jan 6 The Bryan Hyde Show
Friday Jan 06, 2023
Friday Jan 06, 2023
Two positive things happened in my home state of Idaho yesterday. As Brian Almon explains there were victories for life and for liberty. My dear friend Ice Cube would put it thusly, "I got to say it was a good day."
We're about to learn for ourselves that, while history doesn't exactly repeat itself, it sometimes rhymes. Doug Casey has a marvelous breakdown of the parallels between the decline of imperial Rome and the decline of the U.S.
Will you be a victim or truth warrior during 2023? Dr. Robert Malone has 3 clear suggestions for things each of us can and should be doing.
Dr. Jordan Peterson is being told he must submit to "mandatory social media communication retraining" or he'll lose his license to teach or practice psychology. Dr. Peter McCullough has the details on Peterson being accused of heresy by the Ontario College of Psychologists.
It's hard to imagine anyone still being unable to see what's happening to our nation without sensing that something is terribly wrong. D. Parker explores the question of how to defy the fascist far left in their plans to destroy the U.S.
Those who despise liberty have made great strides in the past 3 years. Michael Lesher wonders, where have the voices for liberty gone?
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
2023 Jan 5 The Bryan Hyde Show
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Part of me wishes I'd paid closer attention when my grandparents talked about living through the Great Depression. Klark Barnes makes a convincing case that we're going to need to learn how to deal with depression-era living.
No matter how serious things might get, keeping a sense of humor is essential. Joshua Glawson explains how comedy, laughter and humor can improve your life.
Becoming an independent thinker is an essential skill where fact-checkers and algorithms are constantly trying to shape your opinions. As Annie Holmquist points out, raising independent thinkers who pursue the truth is another duty we should take seriously.
One of the toughest things we'll ever do is to develop the mental toughness to navigate our way through a dangerous, uncertain world. J.B. Shurk's latest essay urges us to resolve to be undefeated. And he has some terrific advice.
Why does the conservative movement struggle to remain relevant? The Z-man doesn't pull any punches in answering that question. He explains how they are willing accomplices in their own demise.
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
2023 Jan 4 The Bryan Hyde Show
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
When NFL player Damar Hamlin collapsed on national television Monday night, the pucker factor increased for the mRNA narrative managers. As Alex Berenson explains, we may not know the cause of his cardiac arrest, but we can't help but wonder.
It's actually reassuring to see the US House of Representatives fail to elect a speaker for the first time in 100 years. James Howard Kunstler lays out the shift we're seeing and the prospect of the questions and answers we'll be hearing.
Why is education such a battle ground throughout the country? Leftists have been working overtime to seize control of the education system at every level. George Leef says the key lesson is that you don't make peace with termites.
It's not a conspiracy theory to recognize that elections are becoming far more complicated than they once were. Stephen Whitney says make elections normal again.
What if the FBI is as woke as it appears? It's an uncomfortable question but one that the Z-man is willing to ask. He also wonders: What if they believe the dogma they're enforcing?
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
2023 Jan 3 The Bryan Hyde Show
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos drops by to ring in the new year with a good healthy dose of common sense and a bit of humor.
So many of our sources of information work very hard to convince us that humankind is hopelessly evil, racist or broken. Paul Rosenberg has a great alternative take on how to look at the human story from a post-primate perspective.
It's not uncommon to see a sense of entitlement and a lack of work ethic in children today. Annie Holmquist has a great explanation of why so many American kids respect nothing.
It sounds subversive to suggest that mindless obedience is what brings humanity's great sorrows. Nevertheless, it's true. Richard Kelly suggests that we resolve to think carefully about every suggestion and directive, especially those that come with penalties.
Monday Jan 02, 2023
2023 Jan 2 The Bryan Hyde Show
Monday Jan 02, 2023
Monday Jan 02, 2023
You don't have to have beef with the legacy media to understand that they are not operating in your interests. Allan Stevo asks, did fake news scare you this week? If so, he has some solid guidance on taking back your time.
This may not seem particularly optimistic but it sure has the ring of good advice. To survive the economic uncertainty of 2023, Daisy Luther has a proven solution: frugality.
As long as we're prognosticating what to expect in the coming year, you might want to take a look at James Howard Kunstlers's latest. He says get out of the way, if you can't lend a hand.
Conspiracy theorists are proving far more reliable than their MSM detractors. Ben Sellers lays out the top 10 conspiracy theories that will be validated in 2023. Might want to keep an eye on these.