Thursday Oct 20, 2022
2022 Oct 20 The Bryan Hyde Show
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
If your love of truth is stronger than your attachment to your beliefs, this is a 27 minute long video that you should consider watching. I'd rather share it and be wrong than see the food shortages it addresses come to pass and not have warned the people around me. I think it's legit.
It's one thing when a crisis arises unexpectedly. However, as Robert E. Wright explains, when government has to start concocting crises to justify expanding its power, we have a problem.
Things have been comfortable for as long as most of us can remember. Historically, that's something that can change very quickly. Larry Alton has some sound advice on how to plan for and survive and economic depression.
Karl Marx had serious beef with landlords and other property owners. People inclined to socialism still do as well. Peter Jacobsen shares his reasons why he loves landlords and he has an excellent point.
The nearly billion dollar fine levied against Alex Jones for comments he made regarding the Sandy Hook shootings has sparked a variety of reactions. Judge Napolitano sees it as an attack on Jones' free speech. Meanwhile Jacob Hornberger says Alex Jones got what he deserved. Both men are advocates for freedom. Who is right?
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
2022 Oct 19 The Bryan Hyde Show
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Just because we're hearing a lot of bad news, doesn't mean we're hearing the whole story. Here's some needed perspective from Bjorn Lomborg with some good news about how the world is getting better.
You've probably already noticed that the instability around us is growing all over the world. The good news is that it won't last forever. Allen J. Feifer ponders what comes after the current chaos.
Those of us who grew up rooted in reality are still trying to adjust to the new normal. It's not without risk, however. Bob Weir explains how coherent thinking can get you fired.
Never one to let a good crisis go to waste, Biden has extended the state of covid emergency even though he has said the pandemic is over. James Bovard says the president is doing it in order to keep acting like a dictator.
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
2022 Oct 18 The Bryan Hyde Show
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos is my guest and there's no shortage of relevant topics to discuss.
If you haven't given serious thought to how to handle a short or longterm failure of the power grid, it's a topic worth exploring. Madge Waggy explains why the U.S. power grid is at risk and what we can do to be prepared.
The demonization of the unvaccinated was in full swing just a year ago. Michael Senger has a great recap of the depths of depravity that were revealed as well as what we learned about the dangers of groupthink.
Study a bit of history and an interesting pattern becomes very clear: During tumultuous times, there are always entrepreneurs who find innovative ways to solve problems. If you've ever considered breaking out of the employee mindset, here's a great article on what an entrepreneurship is and why it matters.
There are a lot of ideas that are becoming taboo in our day. Paul Rosenberg explains why the forbidden thought that the dominating systems of our world fear the most is this: Man is a glorious creature.
Monday Oct 17, 2022
2022 Oct 17 The Bryan Hyde Show
Monday Oct 17, 2022
Monday Oct 17, 2022
The authoritarians who destroyed so many lives with their lockdown continue to deny their actions, even when confronted with video evidence of themselves doing so. C. J. Hopkins has an excellent essay on the gaslighting of the masses.
Trust is a tricky thing. It takes a long time to create and can be destroyed in an instant. Pastor Chuck Baldwin asks, can we ever trust the medical establishment again?
The Jan 6 committee hearings are building to their season finale this coming week. Julie Kelly continues to be a great resource for those of us who see the huge holes in the official narrative.
Part of becoming an adult is learning how to handle grievances without becoming a source of endless drama. Annie Holmquist has sound advice on climbing out of the grievance pit.
With global tensions rising over Russia and Ukraine, we're all wondering what comes next. Brandon Smith shares his thoughts on what's coming and how we can be prepared.
Friday Oct 14, 2022
2022 Oct 14 The Bryan Hyde Show
Friday Oct 14, 2022
Friday Oct 14, 2022
Why does the proper role of government matter? As Judge Andrew Napolitano explains, it matters because without it, your government might claim the right to kill people without due process, if it believes with "near certainty" that they deserve it.
Between rising inflation and political and economic instability, there's a good chance we're all going to see a noticeable adjustment in our lifestyles. Jeffrey Folks has a worthwhile take on truly appreciating what he has.
Those of us who remember life before the internet can attest to how much it has changed our world. J.B. Shurk says the war for internet freedom has begun and we cannot allow governments to take that freedom away.
It may take a while but the truth always eventually comes out. James Patrick Riley has a message for the people who stood by or actively supported the authoritarians who have tried to take our freedoms: The future is coming for some of you.
So much of what Hollywood produces right now is simply woke sermons wrapped in a thin veneer of entertainment. Brandon Smith wonders, why is leftist entertainment so divisive and devoid of imagination?
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
2022 Oct 13 The Bryan Hyde Show
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Most of what we hear about tolerance these days is being shouted at us by someone beating us over head with a sign that reads "stop the hate." In reality, liberty is the reason for authentic tolerance. In fact, it's the primary political virtue.
Here's a bombshell admission: A Pfizer exec admits that they never tested the covid vaccine against preventing transmission of the virus. I'm sure the media will get right on that story and issue the necessary corrections, right? (BTW, when they say "we never said it would stop transmission of the virus" here's the proof that they did)
Putin may be the current target of our national 2 Minutes Hate but if you're serious about thinking for yourself, trusting media talking points is no longer an option. Take the time to read one of the better articles on what the Russian president said in his recent "evil empire" speech. It's eye-opening.
If there was ever a place to draw your line in the sand, parental rights would be a good choice. Thaddeus G. McCotter explains why it takes their collective to kidnap your child.
We're all looking for ways to stretch our dollars just a bit further. Jon Miltimore has some timely advice on how to eat healthily on just $3 a day.
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
2022 Oct 12 The Bryan Hyde Show
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
The institution of family has been under sustained attack for some time now. Barry Brownstein has a sobering essay that explains why when the family is abolished, people starve.
The importance of the Second Amendment usually isn't apparent until it is needed. Frank Devito describes what a Second Amendment with teeth looks like.
The fact that Tulsi Gabbard walked away from the Democratic party isn't particularly remarkable. A lot of folks have joined the #walkaway movement. What's really remarkable is how frightened the World Economic Forum is at her decision.
How does government gain so much control over our lives? Jeff Thomas has the answer. Government and its functionaries sell us fear by constantly telling us the sky is falling.
These are trying times for all of us. Allan Stevo has a beautiful call to action for those of us who don't intend to wander the halls of eternity wishing we had stood up for truth when we could have done so.
Painful as it may be for some of us to find a point of agreement with Joe Biden, he did the right thing in pardoning people for pot possession. Art Carden spells out why Biden's pot pardons are a step in the right direction.
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
2022 Oct 11 The Bryan Hyde Show
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos stops by for our weekly chat. This is wonderful therapy for anyone working to stay free in an unfree world.
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis are a masterful examination of human nature and spirituality. Judd Dunning does a terrific redux of Lewis' work with a Hurricane Ian aftermath edition.
If you had any doubt of the lengths to which those in authority will go to prevent you from knowing the truth, here's a great example. Twitter first censored, then unblocked a tweet from Florida's surgeon General warning of an mRNA risk for young men.
Good news sometimes comes in surprising forms. For instance, increased literacy advances the cause of freedom. Annie Holmquist explains how the revival of phonics may sound the death knell for tyranny.
Here's something for anyone who enjoys a trip down the rabbit hole. Jordan Schachtel shares the growing mystery surrounding the nurse who passed out on live TV immediately after getting the jab.
Monday Oct 10, 2022
2022 Oct 10 The Bryan Hyde Show
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Think about where we were at this time last year. The "science" sure has changed a lot since then, hasn't it? Are we reaching a tipping point? Julie Ponesse wonders, what if the truth never comes out?
The word "inflation" is finding its way into a lot of people's vocabularies right now. Thorsten Polleit has an excellent explanation of inflation, high inflation and hyperinflation and where we're headed.
You may want to celebrate Columbus Day like this could be the last time. Cancel culture and the woke mob have beef with Christopher Columbus, and as Mackubin Owens explains, it may be "Goodbye Columbus" before long.
Up until about 3 years ago, most of us took good mental health for granted. Not just our own but also our childrens' mental health. Lenore Skenazy weighs in on the fastest, cheapest child therapy that you can access for free.
Here's an adult-strength reality supplement from Brandon Smith. He says markets are expecting the fed to save them but it's not going to happen.
Friday Oct 07, 2022
2022 Oct 7 The Bryan Hyde Show
Friday Oct 07, 2022
Friday Oct 07, 2022
There's no better illustration of legal plunder than the hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars the U.S. has been sending to Ukraine. Ron Paul explains how it's a classic case of throwing good money after bad.
In the same sense that you can't be hypnotized against your will, you must also consent to be propagandized. Daniel Lattier explores how propaganda works because some people actually want it.
When you see a headline that claims "Covid death rates are higher among Republicans than Democrats" you have to wonder where such thinking leads. Will we be required to declare our political affiliation when seeking medical care?
I've shared a number of articles from historian Robert E. Wright over the years. Today, it's my privilege to have him as my guest. We talk about the book he co-wrote about the life of investor activist Wilma Soss as well as what's happening economically.