Thursday Oct 06, 2022
2022 Oct 6 The Bryan Hyde Show
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
The battle for control over our souls starts with the language we use. Jeff Deist has an excellent explanation of what's happening on the front lines of the language wars and how it is impacting our freedoms.
The deep state used to be thought of as an excellent plot device in a thriller movie. Jon Miltimore recounts how "Three Days of the Condor" illustrated a deep state danger that we now are facing.
Whether you received your draft notice or not, you are part of a growing culture war. Debra Heine reports that things are escalating as a handful of conservative influencers are being actively targeted for censorship or prosecution for reporting on radical gender surgeries on minors.
One of the noblest things we can do is raise our boys to be real men. Annie Holmquist has some great advice on how to set that process in motion.
Taking an unflinching look at what was done to us over the past 3 years is not for the faint of heart. Jeffrey A. Tucker has a brilliant essay on the 70 seconds that shook the world and everything that followed.
One of the most important lessons we can learn is that our natural rights limit government's power over us. Judge Andrew Napolitano explains how government won't take our rights seriously, if we don't take our rights seriously.
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
2022 Oct 5 The Bryan Hyde Show
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
As much as we may wish for it, there is no place left to safely sit out the struggle for our personal liberty. Brad A. Girton has a thought-provoking essay on our own little hills and ponders whether we'll have a Paul Revere moment of our own.
Like it or not, our entire society has been enrolled in a kind of sensitivity training. Margaret Brownley spells out who signed us up, why they're doing it and says to our self-appointed facilitators, please don't ask my pronouns.
Here's an interesting question: Is our world built on relationships that are spiritually defective? Martin Geddes explains why we should be a covenant society, not a contract society.
Encountering authentic free speech on a modern higher education campus these days is about as unlikely as capturing video of Bigfoot waterskiing behind the Loch Ness monster. Charles Lipson has some thoughts on restoring free speech at our universities.
Growing your own garden has many benefits. Chief among them is a degree of personal self-reliance. Now ask yourself, why would the USDA be asking people to register their vegetable gardens for a national database?
Remember how we were commanded to "follow the science" when it was being used to lockdown our lives and livelihoods? Dr. Robert Malone sheds light on the United Nations now claiming to "own the science" in cooperation with Google.
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
2022 Oct 4 The Bryan Hyde Show
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos is my guest for the first two segments of today's show. Come hear what one of my favorite commentators has to say about what's going on in our world today.
As much as some try to pretend that faith is little more than a mass delusion, it was a decisive factor when America was a young nation. Vincent McCaffrey explains why the faith of nations matters.
One of the biggest challenges each generation faces is how to pass along the ideals and virtues that underlie our civilization. Paul Rosenberg describes why transmitting Western civilization is now up to us.
When is a speed bump more than just a speed bump? Thomas Harrington shares the deeper truth about speed bumps and how "controlling practices" take from us our initiative to solve our own problems.
Monday Oct 03, 2022
2022 Oct 3 The Bryan Hyde Show
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Monday Oct 03, 2022
It's hard to appreciate just how thoroughly corrupted the federal "justice" system has become unless you've experienced it first hand. Eric Parker joins me to discuss his trial experience following Bundy Ranch as well as the current Jan 6 show trials.
Are FBI agents being pressured to create criminal plots that can be blamed on the political right? Julie Kelly says it's time to investigate the FBI's sketchy confidential human source program as well as it's highly politicized brand of enforcement.
If you find yourself in need of a bit of nourishment for your soul, Barry Brownstein delivers. Start with his essay on how thoughts and prayers rule the world and find time to examine the two bonus essays linked within.
It's stressful when so many things are changing all around us. Richard Morrison's review of Entrepreneur magazine editor-in-chief Jason Feifer's take on how to stop panicking and embrace the future points to some timely advice.
What could we possibly learn from a 5th Century Roman about finding happiness in a world filled with pain, loss and injustice? Logan Albright introduces us to Boethius and his priceless lesson about the gift of life.
Friday Sep 30, 2022
2022 Sept 30 The Bryan Hyde Show
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Ever get the sense that everything you were raised to value is somehow under attack? Brian Bumbalo has some sage advice for conservatives who are defending their mountaintop.
There's always a bit of an undercurrent for greater gun control flowing through American society. J.B. Shurk reminds us why our gun rights make for good manners and safe nations.
Idaho mom Sara Brady has been awaiting trial for nearly two and a half years now on a contrived trespassing charge after taking her kids to the park during the lockdowns. She joins me to discuss her case and the state's refusal to hold a trial or dismiss the charge.
The January 6 show trials are intended to set the stage for the delegitimization and then criminalization of political dissent. Jack Cashill has an excellent take on why Ray Epps matters to those trying to keep the official narrative alive.
It's strange how so many of us grew up without unfettered access to sexually explicit material in our school libraries. As Jay Greene explains, the question of who decides what children read is more important than we think.
The recently elected Italian prime minister is a strong indicator that pushback against the great reset is growing. Brandon Smith says with anti-globalism going mainstream, another engineered disaster is about to strike.
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
2022 Sept 29 The Bryan Hyde Show
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Desperate times call for desperate measures. If you're ready to step up and engage in some serious civil disobedience, Annie Holmquist suggests that you start by raising a family.
It's telling that calls to bring the FBI to heel are beginning to be heard in some of the so-called "respectable" publications that cover national politics. Charles C.W. Cooke makes the case for dismantling the FBI.
It's doubtful that many of us have ever seen such an inversion of truth like we're seeing right now. Jonathan Barnes describes what it's like standing for truth in Scaryville and reminds us how actions speak louder than words.
Does it seem like you're encountering a growing number of enforcers in your life? If so, you're not alone. Ben Bartee explains the rise of public health and "green" police and how they pertain to securitization theory.
If you've ever lamented the long lines at the department of motor vehicles, Barry Brownstein has an explanation you need to hear. He lays out why those lines never seem to disappear.
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
2020 Sept 28 The Bryan Hyde Show
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Enemy-driven thinking is pretty fashionable right now. Kent McManigal has the best advice you'll hear today: Don't make enemies over politics.
If there's one quality that the vast majority of politicians share, it's an extreme flexibility of their principles. Michael Anton asks, what does fidelity to our founding principles require today?
We didn't talk about "safe sex" when sex really was safe because it was largely confined to marriage. We see a similar situation with "fact checkers" which didn't exist before the truth started getting out. Here are some examples of how fact checkers deceive.
Now that we're all having to stretch our money just a bit further, here's some truly useful information. Austin Petersen explains how to buy things that make you money.
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
2022 Sept 27 The Bryan Hyde Show
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos pops in for our weekly chat. We talk about environmentalism vs. conservation and how to maintain your freedom in a world that's getting less free by the minute.
The FBI raid on the home of a pro-life pastor in Pennsylvania last week, is a chilling development in our government's war against the citizenry. Jack Cashill asks and answers the question: Did the FBI finally go too far?
The smart phone has been a game-changer in many ways, not all of them good. Bruce Wild has an eye-opening recounting of the smart phone's role in dumbing us down.
Counterculture used to mean long-haired, drugged-out, smelly hippies. These days, if you believe in freedom, the traditional family or God, you are considered subversive. Check out this essay by N.S. Lyons on the new counterculture.
By now, it's clear that our individual participation in the current monetary system is quickly becoming contingent on our deference to the powers that be. The message is clear: Say only what we want to hear, or we will take away your livelihood.
Monday Sep 26, 2022
2022 Sept 26 The Bryan Hyde Show
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Monday Sep 26, 2022
It's easy to get frustrated with the lack of objective reporting by many of our legacy media sources. Thomas L. Knapp has a timely reminder that, when it comes to journalism, objectivity and neutrality aren't the same thing.
Over the years, I've been terribly guilty of arguing with strangers online just for the thrill of the battle. Now, I try to find more productive ways to spread light. Patrick Carroll has 7 ways to improve your online debates that take away the toxicity.
The growing lust for control isn't just a problem stemming from the political left. As Max Borders explains, the great authoritarian arms race requires us to call out all authoritarianism wherever we encounter it.
The challenges we face seem to be growing daily. J.B. Shurk has a powerful reminder for those of us who are awake and aware of what's going on: All it takes in one hero to be the catalyst for change.
The list of things that are still legal is shrinking like a wool sweater in a clothes dryer on the high heat setting. Matt Keener suggests that we should fight back against our oppressors using memes and mockery, while they're still legal.
Friday Sep 23, 2022
2022 Sept 23 The Bryan Hyde Show
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Friday Sep 23, 2022
If your outlook is feeling a bit dulled by all the chaos around us, there's a simple solution to regain your focus. Isaac Morehouse explains the power of being in awe every day.
Does your vote really make a difference? Before answering that question, take a look at Thomas L. Knapp's latest column titled: Should you even vote? He makes a solid case that an uninformed vote is worse than not voting.
One of my biggest complaints about politics is the intense tribal mindset that comes along with it. Randall G. Holcombe has a great take on tribalism and electoral politics.
Maybe you saw over the weekend the "60 Minutes" interview the president did where he stated that "the pandemic is over." Ryan McMaken says the pandemic may be over but the feds aren't giving up their emergency powers.
It's disturbing how many people believe that whatever the mob wants, it should get. Kent McManigal sets the record straight on how liberty trumps the rule of the majority.
The danger in living in a constant state of crisis is that when we're consumed by fear, we stop thinking. John and Nisha Whitehead explain how government propaganda leads to deceit, fear and mind control.