Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
2022 Sept 14 The Bryan Hyde Show
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
If you live in a place where masking is no longer a thing, count yourself fortunate. Eugyppius explains how masks are not a small thing, especially when they are still being forced on people.
Beneath all the politics and the social conflict is an eternal struggle between light and darkness. Andrew W. Coy says we are living in a time of evil.
When the president declares half the country to be enemies of the state, you're not in a good place. Julie Kelly notes that the regime's 'Operation MAGA Fascist' seems to be gaining ground.
Rejecting everything that came before us is viewed as a badge of honor in today's culture. Jeff Minnick says, the current plague of presentism is among the worst forms of human pride.
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
2022 Sept 13 The Bryan Hyde Show
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos joins me for a quick consultation on what's noteworthy right now in Clown World.
Start acting a bit too much like a free man or woman and soon someone will be along to rein you in via the social contract. Paul Rosenberg poses the question, is the social contract legit?
So many things are out of our control. Finding peace in life depends upon learning how to control how we respond to events around us. Barry Brownstein explains how to stop being an NPC (non-playing character) in your own life.
Monday Sep 12, 2022
2022 Sept 12 The Bryan Hyde Show
Monday Sep 12, 2022
Monday Sep 12, 2022
The idea of unity sounds great, right up to the point where someone is tempted to make it mandatory. Then it becomes a basis for tyranny. Gary Galles says, forget unity: we need the freedom to disagree.
As long as we're exploring the topic of unity, let's take a closer look at how it can be co-opted and used against us. Paul Rosenberg explains why united we fall.
The days in which America was a truly exceptional nation have passed. That doesn't mean we have to hang our heads in shame. It means that we need more "rascals"--people who make a difference by becoming exceptional individuals.
What's happening in Europe right now regarding their energy woes is a clear warning for us here in America. Brandon Smith has an excellent essay on how the energy disaster that Europe is facing will spill over into the U.S.
When Jeffrey A. Tucker points out that the world is on fire, you might want to listen. This is a solid assessment of what's happening.
What good could a voluntarist sheriff do? David Hathaway recounts his first year as a voluntarist sheriff and his insights are encouraging.
Friday Sep 09, 2022
2022 September 9 The Bryan Hyde Show
Friday Sep 09, 2022
Friday Sep 09, 2022
Hell hath no fury like a social justice warrior who has been misgendered. The Good Citizen has a great take on misgendering tyranny and how it eventually will be stopped.
The modern left's hostility toward the family seems to be growing with each drag queen event aimed at children. Chuck Chalberg wonders, what explains the modern hostility to the family?
Sharing and perpetuating liberty for the generations that will follow us can be very rewarding and terribly discouraging. Dan Sanchez explains how our efforts to illuminate depend upon our willingness to become keysmiths for liberty.
Learning to see through the deception and manipulation of reality can be a daunting task. John Rappoport explains the five stages of baloney and how to recognize when that's what you're being sold.
As parents, we spend a lot of time worrying about failing our children. Brian Bumbalo has a great essay on the best way to make sure children fail.
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
2022 September 8 The Bryan Hyde Show
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
When an authentic journalist warns about censorship becoming the prime weapon of activism, we should pay attention. Glenn Greenwald explains the players and the goals that are working to quash dissent on a mass scale. This is a must read.
When a disaster strikes, there will always be anger and frustration directed at the "gougers" who charge exorbitant prices for scarce but needed goods. Huck Davenport explains why the gougers deserve a medal for the service they provide.
These may be times of great gender confusion but the need for authentic men has never been greater. Annie Holmquist reminds us how once upon a time the government encouraged real men.
A lot of us are feeling a call to stand up and make a difference in our own unique way. Here are 6 questions that proven difference-makers ask themselves.
It may be a tough pill to swallow but it sure appears that the world's political leaders are deliberately placing their populations in a position of cold and hunger. Doug Casey has a marvelous breakdown of the controlled demolition of the world's food and energy supplies.
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
2022 September 7 The Bryan Hyde Show
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
For all the talk about saving "our democracy" it's pretty obvious that the folks using this phrase don't have a clue what that means. Chris Hedges advises, stop pretending that the U.S. is a functioning democracy when it's not.
To really understand the monetary situation that we face, you have to know a thing or two about central banking. Paul Rosenberg has a great explanation of how democracy empowers central banking.
It may not be cause for celebration, but a summons for jury duty should never be treated as an imposition either. Nathan Tschepik reminds us that good jurors nullify bad laws.
What's happening to farmers in the Netherlands is an indicator of what's in store for us. Peter Imanuelsen spells out how the Dutch government is shutting down 11,200 farms to meet climate goals.
The only thing worse than getting all riled up, is when we allow someone else to get us all riled up. Dr. Robert W. Malone has a powerful essay on how business models based on fear and rage are bad for your health.
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
2022 September 6 The Bryan Hyde Show
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos drops by to discuss what it's like to live in a "V for Vendetta" dystopia. There's never a dull moment here in clown world.
I know we're not supposed to have any doubts about the 2020 election but having questions doesn't make one an election denier. Check out Arizona gubenatorial candidate Kari Lake's answer to a reporter's question on the matter.
A common tactic for the left is to accuse its opponents of exactly what the left is doing. James Bovard has a marvelous take-down of the president's speech last week and how anyone in power who does what Biden does would be acting like a dictator.
Here's some powerful incentive to think twice before jumping aboard the Electric Vehicle (EV) bandwagon. As early as next year, Europeans could be paying as much as $270 each time they charge their EVs. That's a lot of money to go 150 miles.
Hate crime hoaxes are nothing new. Especially since an accusation is as good as a conviction in the court of public opinion. But did the BYU volleyball incident even happen? There's good reason to doubt.
Monday Sep 05, 2022
2022 September 5 The Bryan Hyde Show
Monday Sep 05, 2022
Monday Sep 05, 2022
Want to better understand how so much of the world around us is being manipulated via psycho-social experiments? Kit Knightly has a terrific essay on 5 psychological experiments that explain the modern world.
The president's recent speech demonizing roughly half the voters in the country followed a proven pattern by which totalitarians consolidate power by creating an enemy at the gate. Jeffrey A. Tucker explains the return of Carl Schmitt's formula for regime longevity.
Know that we know that we are part of a "battle for the soul of our nation" we should first ascertain where we are, as a nation, before proceeding. James Howard Kunstler has a comprehensive take on what's happening.
Thanks to the introduction of "social" justice, authentic justice is no longer blind in the U.S. The Good Citizen has a solid take on anarcho-tyranny and how our systems of law are weaponized against the taxpaying public while encouraging real anarchy from sacred groups protected by the state.
We're all wondering, at some level, how to navigate the storm that is upon us. Deana Chadwell has some inspiring thoughts for what to do when you feel the earth move under your feet.
Friday Sep 02, 2022
2022 September 2 The Bryan Hyde Show
Friday Sep 02, 2022
Friday Sep 02, 2022
To understand what is being taken from us, we must first understand the intended function of the system of government created by the founders. Judge Andrew Napolitano ponders what we can do when the Constitution fails us.
Politicians are famous for insisting that we trust them, even when it's clear they're not being completely honest with us. Donald Boudreaux explains how we're trained to believe that a miracle occurs when government intervenes.
The growing weirdness in our culture and society is causing most of us to do regular double takes about what we're seeing. Jeff Minnick poses the question, is boredom driving our culture of lunacy?
Maybe it's the raw lust for power that we're seeing in the eyes of so many officials but it's getting harder to trust politicians to do the right thing. Kent McManigal says government is not worth the trade off.
Protecting your food storage from government confiscation seems like a risk that primarily N. Koreans might face. Milan Adams warns that we should prepare for similar concerns here as well.
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
2022 September 1 The Bryan Hyde Show
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
I don't know of anyone who's excited to hear from the IRS. Having said that, it's curious that more people aren't clamoring for bringing this agency to heel. Jacob Hornberger says why not just abolish the IRS?
There's a lot of anticipation of a red wave coming with the November mid term elections. Robert Vincent says, watch out. The regime isn't just facing a loss of political power, many of them are facing the possibility of real accountability for the first time in their corrupt lives.
So much of the lockdown enforcement was as cruel as it was unnecessary. Julie Ponesse wonders, why did covid enforcment target religion specifically? Could it be that the state cannot abide competing moral authority?
It's hard to feel encouraged when sizing up the challenges in front of us. Allan Stevo has some marvelous advice for what to do when the sheep and hyenas are disappointing you. He advises, look for the lions around you.
I'm more than a little surprised that libraries are becoming ground zero for the sexual counter culture to find mainstream acceptance. Check out this article on a series of emails that show activist librarians promoting events like drag queen story hour. Why are these events being targeted to children?