Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
2022 August 2 The Bryan Hyde Show
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos stops by for a conversation about current events and how to make sense out of the growing weirdness.
The steady systematic removal of our freedoms should have been obvious to most of us. Jeff Thomas explains why it wasn't and offers some advice for navigating the current Fourth Turning cycle.
How to fight back against the folks who are working so hard to implement global domination over all of us? J.B. Shurk says fighting the great reset takes place one inch at a time with individual acts of resistance.
Nothing better exemplifies the never-ending state of make-believe that we're supposed to embrace than the redefining of anything that accurately reflects reality. Dr. Brian C. Joondeph has a great breakdown of the pretzel logic of the left.
Monday Aug 01, 2022
2022 August 1 The Bryan Hyde Show
Monday Aug 01, 2022
Monday Aug 01, 2022
We're all becoming painfully aware of how every dollar buys less and less each month, thanks to inflation. Jordan Schachtel comes right out and says what needs to be said: If you want to fix the economy, separate money from the state.
Doing hard things can make us into better people. Having said that, the line is pretty short for folks who are willing to to hard things. Dr. Joseph Mercola says, with difficult times ahead, here are ways to break free from the system.
If you want to better grasp the urgency of the kinds of mistakes our society is making right now, find the courage to read Milton Mayer's book "They Thought They Were Free -- The Germans 1933-1945." Joshua Styles offers some compelling reasons to do so sooner than later.
Watching the left dial their activism up to "11" can be maddening. D. Parker suggests the best way to fight back is with laughter. Not being taken seriously is the one thing the left cannot stand.
I'm sure a lot of us are marveling that August is here already. Barry Brownstein just published a thoughtful essay about fully enjoying the tiny slice of experiences that we actually do have time for.
Friday Jul 29, 2022
2022 July 29 The Bryan Hyde Show
Friday Jul 29, 2022
Friday Jul 29, 2022
One of the most alarming developments of our time is the speed with which science has become conjoined with government. Barry Brownstein has a great reminder that state power doesn't settle science.
It should be pretty obvious by now that government pads the numbers and spins statistics when it's advantageous. Debra Heine reports that whistleblowers have stepped forward to report FBI officials are pressuring agents to artificially inflate domestic terror data.
It's always a good idea to keep our priorities straight. Jonathan Barnes makes a solid case for putting first things first, before politics.
Brandon Smith always has a take worth considering. His latest essay is especially timely. He says to take back our culture, we need to build our own media army.
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
2022 July 28 The Bryan Hyde Show
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
The corporate media in Idaho is on a witch hunt these days. Seems everyone who doesn't toe the leftist dogma is an "extremist" of some sort. Action Idaho says, there are extremists in Idaho, just not who you think.
Why is it that we never seem to hear about genuine problem solvers? It's because the best problem solvers are usually hard at work at the individual level.
Is there nothing so outrageous that the corporate narrative managers won't try to sell us on it? The Good Citizen highlights the latest attempt at wholesale gaslighting in which taking a nap goes from healthy to deadly. (What else could explain sudden death syndrome?)
Masks have never been about slowing the spread of the coronavirus. They are a symbol of submission and that's why those in authority keep pushing for us to keep wearing them. Ian Miller explains how the "expert" narratives are collapsing.
If you need some incentive to support the American rancher, just consider how the beef supply is about to have a major contraction. Andrea Widburg says nature may be conspiring with leftists to ensure we're on a grasshopper diet.
Here's something to consider while the powers that be are busy redefining words like "recession." Doug Casey lays out why the Greater Depression has begun and what government should (but likely won't) do.
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
2022 July 27 The Bryan Hyde Show
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
When it comes to making sense of the wave of craziness sweeping across the globe, James Howard Kunstler is hard to beat. He's confident that the wrecking crew will be overcome.
If you love street food, here's something to consider. A woman in LA recounts how it was street food vendors who cleaned up and revitalized a bad neighborhood and helped neighbors to meet one another.
Efforts to make wokeness a mainstay in US classrooms have intensified of late. Thankfully, some are finally pushing back. John Dale Dunn says the National Association of Scholars is taking on the Marxists in education.
It's taken a long time but the lockdown and vax narratives are finally beginning to crumble. El Gato Malo says the tipping point on vaccines and covid policy approaches.
It's a shame it's so controversial to suggest that the natural differences between the feminine and the masculine are complementary and beneficial to a healthy society. Paul Rosenberg explains the feminine principle and how our culture is currently lacking it.
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
2022 July 26 The Bryan Hyde Show
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos drops by for our weekly chat. If you've been trying to find some good that has come from the events of the past couple of years, you'll appreciate his take on the good things that have happened.
Are you paying attention to how the definitions of words are being changed to fit the Orwellian agenda of those in power? Jordan Schachtel describes the assault on definitions, from mRNA vaccines to economic recession.
You wouldn't know it from what you see in your local grocery store but the world is facing a man-made food catastrophe. Carla Peeters explains why the farmers in Europe are in revolt and how without farmers there is no food and no life.
Every time you hear a politician lament that something or the other is "threatening our democracy" you can know with certainty that it's their power that they're afraid of losing. Gary M. Galles outlines how we've gone from a republic to a democracy to a kakistocracy.
Learning to think like an economist is a skill that will help you better understand how the world works and what drives our decision making. As Ninos P. Malek points out, sound economic thinking is vital for a prosperous future.
Monday Jul 25, 2022
2022 July 25 The Bryan Hyde Show
Monday Jul 25, 2022
Monday Jul 25, 2022
If you were stout-hearted enough to endure the psychological pressures of the past two years, congratulations. However, Kit Knightly warns that the powers that be are bringing back covid and this time, they're trying to make it permanent.
We all know people who operate in a permanent state of crisis. Unfortunately, our government seems to prefer that approach as well. Bonnie Kristian reminds us that not everything is a national emergency.
If you need some moral clarity about how essential it is that we take our government's never-ending "state of emergency" off life support, this column from Thomas L. Knapp is a great place to start.
If you're determined to live as a free individual, you may have some choices to make. The Good Citizen explains how one of those choices may be where in the world to relocate in a time of global dystopia.
The solutions to our growing problems cannot be entirely political. Brian Parsons shares insight into the origin of the "Appeal to Heaven" flag and what it signified to America's founding generation.
Friday Jul 22, 2022
2022 July 22 The Bryan Hyde Show
Friday Jul 22, 2022
Friday Jul 22, 2022
Here's a new word to add to your vocabulary: kakistocracy. Dan Sanchez explains what it means to be governed by the worst and what we can do about it.
Watching things fall apart that we've long taken for granted can be pretty disconcerting. JB Shurk says, that's definitely where we are right now but he reminds us that freedom's worth the fight.
To hear the political class tell it, we the people are like little children who cannot handle difficult truths. Ned Cosby explains why not only do we, the people, want the truth but we also deserve nothing less from those in authority.
If you thought the mandate and lockdown battles were behind us, don't let your guard down just yet. Ian Miller says, as predicted, masks are coming back and certain officials seem determined to bring us to heel.
It takes serious conviction to refuse to be conscripted into someone else's transgender fantasy. Jordan Boyd makes a strong case that the trans agenda is about erasing the past to control the future.
Given the circus that politics in America has become, it shouldn't be surprising that some voters are looking for the exits. Lauren Farrell has some advice for those who find themselves politically homeless.
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
2022 July 21 The Bryan Hyde Show
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
The ongoing collapse of trust in the news media is baffling to many of those who work within it. Glenn Greenwald says liberal corporate journalists still don't grasp how despised and impotent they are thanks to their activism.
No matter how the new kids try to reinvent the wheel every generation or so, there is genuine value in reading great books. Annie Holmquist compares a middle school reading list from 100 years ago with one from today.
It's not enough to be a defender of freedom yourself. We have to instill an appreciation and love of liberty in our kids as well. Anthony Esolen wonders, is America raising a generation of idiots?
It's not easy to admit that each of us has blind spots. But it's still true. Kent McManigal connects the dots on how politics depends on blind spots.
Few things in life are as underrated as legitimate pain. It teaches us in ways that nothing else can. Jonathan Barnes has a great take on turning pain into a blessing.
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
2022 July 20 The Bryan Hyde Show
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Much of politics is simply negotiation as to how badly our rights should be violated by whomever is in power. David Bell cuts to the heart of the matter by asking, are we free by right or not?
Nothing illustrates the moral bankruptcy of gun control advocates like their sourpuss reactions to a 22 year old common citizen singlehandedly stopping a mass shooter. D. Parker explains why leftists can't deal with the fact that guns save lives.
Ryan Walters says it's no secret that the introduction of woke ideology in the classroom is intended to teach our children to despise everything that came before us. How might we teach them to love what is right and great about America?
It wasn't so long ago that serving in America's armed forces was considered a good and respectable thing. Has wokeness and other PC indoctrination shifted our attitudes to where fewer people are willing to enlist?
All the things that are supposed to be scaring us into surrendering our remaining freedoms and natural rights don't seem to be working so well right now. Covid, monkeypox, Russia, etc., aren't having their desired effect on us. Stand by for a climate emergency to justify the next wave of power-seeking.