Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
2022 July 19 The Bryan Hyde Show
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Tuesdays bring a welcome visit from our friend Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos. Conversations with Eric are always informative and leave me more determined than ever to live as a free individual.
Few of us would aspire to being known as a country bumpkin. The contempt of the ruling class for such folks is almost palpable. Even so, Dr. Richard Moss makes a good argument for why country bumpkins will win the day when times get tough.
The ongoing push for more covid boosters and vaccinations is baffling. As Jon Miltimore explains, it's especially puzzling considering that natural immunity offered more protection against the Omicron variant than 3 vaccine doses.
Legacy media is circling the wagons on the subject of potential election fraud in the 2020 election. The phrase they're using is, "No evidence of widespread fraud." Eric Lendrum begs to differ and offers 21 confirmed illegalities and irregularities that cast doubt on the integrity of that election.
It's not like we don't have enough to worry about these days. At the same time, if you want insight into how the political class and their media enablers have undermined the American people over decades, you'll want to understand the 5 "Ds" they've utilized.
Monday Jul 18, 2022
2022 July 18 The Bryan Hyde Show
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Lots of us recognize the problem but we're not sure what to do about it. Andrew Coppens joins me to talk about his new podcast "Reviving Liberty" and to share some very workable suggestions of things we can start doing today.
It's surprising how much an unexpected call from a friend can lift a person's spirit. In fact, a new psychological study confirms that unexpectedly reaching out to a friend is more appreciated than we assume.
The Davos crowd has plans for all of us. Lucy Davies says remember to protect our children because the great reset is coming for them too.
Maintaining awareness of the blatant mental manipulation that's aimed at us every day is an essential survival. Catt Black has a great explanation of why we're thrown into conflicts that aren't of our choosing.
The more the ruling class and the media try to convince us that Ray Epps is just an innocent bystander from Jan 6 and not a key instigator, the more suspicious it looks. Nobody is covering this like Revolver News.
Friday Jul 15, 2022
2022 July 15 The Bryan Hyde Show
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Like a campfire that appears to have gone out but still contains dangerous embers, the threat of covid mania roaring back to life is very real. The Good Citizen shares his experiences in one of the remaining hot spots.
The problem with being serious about standing up for your rights is that the people determined to take them away get very upset, for some reason. Alex Madajian says conservatives must prioritize the Second Amendment.
This one stung me pretty hard. As delicious and convenient as our favorite snacks may be, we're eating ourselves to death. Dr. Jeffrey I. Barke warns of the hazard of our snack and die lifestyle.
The people who are paying attention right now might as well change their preferred pronouns to Aware/Alarmed. Jeff Minnick has a terrific essay about being a candle in the dark and the call to enlist against tyranny.
There's a bit of a lull right now in the Russia-is-to-blame narrative being pushed by US politicians and media. Even so, Pat Buchanan wonders, is a US-Russia war becoming inevitable?
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
2022 July 14 The Bryan Hyde Show
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
In American society, there are two kinds of people. Those who rule and those who are ruled. Francis P. Sempa has the key to understanding our ruling elites and why they cannot be trusted with power.
There's a lot of things shaping up that are concerning, to put it mildly. Kent McManigal explains how preparation can ease your anxiety.
If you've ever wondered what a legit mass psychosis looks like, look no further than the left's barbaric obsession with transgenderism. Patricia McCarthy describes the sheer lunacy that's being pushed on us.
If you're serious about protecting and perpetuating freedom for future generations, there's a lot of work to be done. Annie Holmquist says there's no place like home to help freedom grow.
Quantifying what has happened to the American Republic requires understanding our nation's history. Judge Andrew Napolitano has a terrific summary of how the tyranny of the majority came to be.
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
2022 July 13 The Bryan Hyde Show
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Thanks to a whistleblower, it's looking more and more like the feds themselves were instrumental in setting in motion the events of Jan 6, 2021. Frank Bergman says leaked DOJ documents are casting serious doubt on the official "insurrection" narrative.
Want to hear something that will put a smile on your face? Check out this unroll from a Twitter thread about an incredible family business success story. I promise it will make your day.
The covid fear peddlers are starting up again. Before giving your consent to any more of their irrational demands, consider Jon Miltimore's article about more evidence that school mask mandates are not effective.
Fear has become the fuel for much of our thoughts and actions. Molly Kingsley and Liz Cole have a great take on the generation of children raised by fear.
The moral energy that we bring to each day is precious and finite. That's why we must take care that we're not tricked into throwing them away. Paul Rosenberg has a brilliant essay on the dispersion of moral energies.
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
2022 July 12 The Bryan Hyde Show
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
It's my privilege each week to spend some quality time visiting with Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos. Eric always has a thoughtful and informed take on current events and a talent for wordsmithing.
Can you believe there was ever a time when the American people generally trusted the federal government to do the right thing, in most instances? Shakil Hamid summarizes the reasons why today, they don't trust us and we don't trust them.
The borg-like systems that seek to rule our world want us to believe that resistance is futile. J.B. Shurk says the Davos death cult's bad moon is rising and it doesn't look well for them.
It's mildly disappointing that Elon Musk has decided not to purchase and reform Twitter. Jeffrey A. Tucker describes Musk's decision not to save Twitter from itself.
Ever get the sense that we're only allowed to vote on things which will not actually reduce our governmental footprint? Caitlin Johnstone has a great take on our political false dichotomies.
U.S. media is curiously quiet about the farmer protests currently underway in parts of Europe. Dutch farmers, in particular, have legitimate reasons to be upset with their political officials.
If you've been seduced by the siren song of "nearly free" solar panels for your home, James Howard Kunstler has some advice. He says bend toward simplicity. He wishes he had.
Monday Jul 11, 2022
2022 July 11 The Bryan Hyde Show
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Monday Jul 11, 2022
The words "safe and effective" have been abused a lot over the past couple of years. Steve Kirsch has an eye-opening article on how the "safe and effective" narrative is falling apart and what that means.
On a similar note, Caitlin Johnstone says that humanity is finally learning that the rules are all made up and can be changed at any time. Once you've seen the propaganda, it's hard not to see it.
The problems we face can't be solved with political solutions alone. Diana Alloco explains the need for four simple words to save America: In God we trust.
So much of public policy is sold to us on the basis of how it manages or alleviates risk. Donald J. Boudreaux reminds us that assessing risks accurately requires accurate information. And that's something we're not getting from most news headlines.
Friday Jul 08, 2022
2022 July 8 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two
Friday Jul 08, 2022
Friday Jul 08, 2022
If January 6 was as bad as the political class claims it was, why do they have to keep lying about it? Julie Kelly takes apart the myth of the "armed mob" that's being pushed by the Jan 6 committee.
The surest fix that our culture needs right now is strong, intact families. Annie Holmquist suggests that we stop telling singles to try online dating.
Nobody aspires to be a sucker. Even so, we're all at risk of being manipulated and bamboozled by skilled opportunists. Thomas Harrington explores how many among us are suckers and how to protect ourselves.
The anger we're seeing from the political left isn't just a passing hissy fit. As Brandon Smith explains, it's part of a long term process to implode our culture and it's time to stop compromising with them.
Friday Jul 08, 2022
2022 July 8 The Bryan Hyde Show hour one
Friday Jul 08, 2022
Friday Jul 08, 2022
Here's a skill that many of us never thought we'd need as adults: How to survive attacks by online trolls. Megan McArdle says online trolls are best ignored, hard as that is to do.
Does the Constitution need to be amended? John Stossel asked this question of several public figures as well as individuals on the street. The answers they gave might just surprise you.
Why does the federal government keep a dying railroad monopoly going? Robert E. Wright has a great take on the Amtrak abomination and judging by the flak he's stirred up, he's definitely over the target.
Strange that someone would blow up the Georgia Guide Stones which call for massive depopulation of the planet, among other things. J.B. Shurk reminds us that anti-democratic delusions require population control.
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
2022 July 7The Bryan Hyde Show hour two
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Tired of having to wade through a swamp of wokeness to find entertainment that the whole family can enjoy? Check out this list of shows and books compiled by Paul Rosenberg with the help of his readers.
How I wish "build back better" was just another conspiracy theory. Jordan Schachtel breaks down how the publicly stated goals of the global elites are simply repackaged hubris to replace the rule of law.
How far are you willing to go to live life on your own terms? The Good Citizen points out that, for at least 2 million Americans, the answer is to Mexico. When will Mexico build a wall?
Suffering through a serving of broccoli as a kid wasn't much fun, even if it was "good for you" as our parents asserted. Michael Snyder says a similar dynamic is at play when politicians tell us to suffer through a recession for the "good of the liberal world order."