Thursday Jul 07, 2022
2022 July 7 The Bryan Hyde Show hour one
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Now that the calendar page has turned, Gareth Roberts invites us to face an unpopular fact: Your sexuality doesn't make you special.
Politicians know we're not happy about what we're paying at the pump these days, that's why they're looking for a scapegoat. Peter C. Earle says leave the gas station owners out of it.
The topic of student loan forgiveness is a touchy one. Attorney Addison Hosner joins me to talk about the generational dynamic behind this issue and why we should avoid knee-jerk responses.
Friday Jul 01, 2022
2022 July 1 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two
Friday Jul 01, 2022
Friday Jul 01, 2022
Are you serious about changing minds or do you prefer grinding your enemies into dust? Annie Holmquist has some thoughts about changing minds across the back fence through humility and friendship.
The frustration that many of us feel with the mainstream media isn't a matter of needing to be right. As Clayton Fox explains, it's the insufferable arrogance of the constantly wrong.
What ever will we do now that the Supreme Court, in a landmark ruling, has dealt a massive blow to Biden's climate change agenda? The answer should be obvious: we go on with our lives.
Something to ponder as we head into the long Independence Day weekend. A poll from the University of Chicago says a quarter of American say they're ready to take up arms, if necessary, against their government.
Friday Jul 01, 2022
2022 July 1 The Bryan Hyde Show hour one
Friday Jul 01, 2022
Friday Jul 01, 2022
If you haven't flown recently, you should thank your lucky stars. Airline travel is getting tougher with major pilot shortages, thanks to the vax mandates. Terry Paulding asks, what's going on with our commercial airlines?
The powers that be claim they want to protect us from authoritarian influences by banning TikTok. Patrick Carroll says those censorship efforts are getting real and they're a big mistake.
Why is the left so irrationally angry about the overturning of Roe v. Wade? Lewis Dovland spells out the big picture reason that Roe's demise is driving the left to violence.
It's curious how religion is portrayed as something so divisive that it must be banned from the public square. Anthony Esolen asks, should we all cease to sing because the village atheist is hoarse?
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
2022 June 30 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
It's not that self-government has been tried and found wanting. Vincent McCaffrey says it's been done before and it can be done again. The key is to not get fooled again by those who want to be the new boss.
Some people get very defensive when someone suggests that America is not immune to brownshirts. Rod Thomson explains that we're already seeing them, we just don't recognize it.
You're gonna need nerves of steel to check out this article from The Good Citizen on alarmingly declining birth rates in Germany and the U.K., especially if you've seen "Children of Men."
Jim Quinn's latest column is a masterpiece of summarizing the big picture details of what's going on in our world. Pay close attention to his advice at the end as to what to do about it.
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
2022 June 30 The Bryan Hyde Show hour one
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
The reality of the great reset is right out there in the open for anyone who's not in a trance. Birsin Filip says the powers pushing the great reset are actively targeting freedom of the press, speech and expression.
Joe Biden likes to remind us that "the Constitution isn't absolute." Especially when he's making a power grab. Mike Maharrey takes that statement and unpacks it for us by explaining the amendment process.
As Independence Day approaches, here's a classic Barry Brownstein essay that wonders, can Americans remember the virtue of independence and the corrosiveness of dependence?
When it comes to pushing back against our woke overlords, humor is a far more effective tool than anger. Jon Miltimore says the new Beavis and Butthead movie serves up some devastatingly funny takedowns.
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
2022 June 29 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
Oh look! Another elephant in the room. Why are so many young people dying suddenly? Annie Holmquist has some relevant examples and some pointed questions as to what's happening and why it's being ignored.
Here's an idea that strikes fear into the hearts of the ruling class: What if the people actually controlled the government? Jeffrey A. Tucker describes how the administrative state avoids accountability.
The disconnect between Hollywood and those of us who live in reality is growing larger. If you've grown tired of all the woke, preachy zealotry, you'll understand why Hollywood is dying and they deserve it.
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
2022 June 29 The Bryan Hyde Show hour one
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
If there's one name you can trust when it comes to explaining the principles of proper government, that name would be Frédéric Bastiat. Tyler Brandt has a great essay on Bastiat's timeless warnings for lovers of liberty.
The left's agitation for more gun control is as misguided as it is persistent. It's also anti-liberty. D. Parker wonders what's next for the left's gun confiscation agenda.
We all know that things are not improving economically. In fact, you have be brave to ask, just how bad is the economy? Blaine L. Pardoe tackles the question and has some straight answers.
At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist, there are legitimate questions about how involved the FBI was in the events of Jan 6. Julie Kelly points out how curious it is that the J6 committee won't allow such questions.
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
2022 June 28 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
In a dying culture where authentic manhood is dismissed as "toxic" and cause for derision, who will make the case for men to be men once again. Rachel Lu has a great take on recovering the path to manhood.
If you've reached that point in life where you're giving serious thought about the kind of world your grandchildren will inherit, welcome to the club. Steve Daly lists 4 troubling trends that have his attention.
A terrible myth that is widely accepted throughout American society is that government policies are intended to help the common citizen. Ryan Lau says the attack on Juul is a scandal that proves the opposite is true.
One of the most powerful arguments against abortion is found in the consciences of people who regret having had one. Jonathan Barnes say he still wonders about the child he and his then girlfriend almost had.
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
2022 June 28 The Bryan Hyde Show hour one
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos joins me for our weekly conversation about his latest observations about living during interesting times.
A lot of folks have strong opinions on the overturning of the Roe v. Wade decision last week. Grayson Quay joins me to share his thoughts on what the Dobbs ruling means for the pro-life movement.
Discussions about asset protection probably aren't the sexiest conversations to be a part of. However, Larry Alton says with the direction our economy is headed, the middle class needs to start thinking about asset protection.
Monday Jun 27, 2022
2022 June 27 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two
Monday Jun 27, 2022
Monday Jun 27, 2022
Bill Mahr has always had a pretty sharp sense of humor. It's encouraging and a bit refreshing to see him put it to work questioning the social justice narrative.
If you haven't sensed it yet, just hang on. The lust for total control among the political class is surging. Julie Kelly has a no-holds-barred assessment of the accelerating purge that is aimed at freedom-loving Americans.
The rising cost of fuel is hitting all of us where it hurts. Brandon Smith has some excellent analysis of the gas inflation crisis and where it's leading us.
The way that we define success reveals a lot about who we are and what we prize. James Walpole has 7 question he likes to ask successful people that get answers with serious depth.
The growing drought in the western U.S. is just one more complication that's having major impact on our world. Check out this video of how far water levels have dropped at Lake Mead. Incredible.