Monday Jun 13, 2022
2022 June 13 The Bryan Hyde Show hour one
Monday Jun 13, 2022
Monday Jun 13, 2022
What do a collapsing dollar, global economy, energy supplies and our food and supply chains have in common? As the Good Citizen explains, they all seem to be suffering from engineered chaos at the same time. How strange.
The political class is using the Jan 6 hearings to remind us why we "need" them, yet those of us outside of the Beltway remain unconvinced. Caitlin Johnstone says it's because their actions are those of textbook sociopathic manipulators.
Finding middle ground on the current push to indoctrinate small children regarding gender identity is no easy task. Brandon Smith says this is an issue where one side is completely and utterly wrong.
Friday Jun 10, 2022
2022 June 10 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two
Friday Jun 10, 2022
Friday Jun 10, 2022
If you haven't watched Matt Walsh's documentary "What Is a Woman?" this would be a great weekend to do so. Click on this link to watch the full documentary. Invite some friends over to watch it with you.
It's not just political power-seekers who pose a threat to our liberties. Ryan McMaken explains how we find ourselves at the mercy of highly paid, unelected government experts thanks to progressive policies.
Getting that feeling of deja vu lately? Kit Knightly says monkeypox is following the covid playbook step by step.
You gotta hand it to Congress, they can work very quickly when they're feeling motivated. Unfortunately, as Kent McManigal points out, their current motivation is to burden us with more useless gun laws.
Is there really such a thing as a "family friendly" drag show? Check out this article from Libs of Tiktok before you answer.
Friday Jun 10, 2022
2022 June 10 The Bryan Hyde Show hour one
Friday Jun 10, 2022
Friday Jun 10, 2022
Caleb Franz from the Profiles In Liberty podcast drops by for his regular segment. Today Caleb gives us the lowdown on Richard Henry Lee's resolution which paved the way for the Declaration of Independence.
If you're not familiar with the Milgram experiment, now might be a good time to do so. Thomas Harrington says the experiment has been restaged, this time with millions of real victims.
Say what you will about the older generations but at least we didn't get offended by pancake syrup. Michelle Malkin notes that even Goofus & Gallant from Highlights magazine have gone woke.
Most of us want to stand up for what's good and right but we're waiting for the moment when it's cool to do so. J.B. Shurk says if you're reading this message, you're ready to resist tyranny.
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
2022 June 9 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Why would anyone want or need an AR-15? Adam Mills says, before you answer, you might want to ask someone who has had to face down an angry mob.
If you're uncertain what unalloyed political propaganda looks like, just take a gander at the January 6 committee hearings. Julie Kelly outlines what those hearings won't be covering.
If you're planning on watching the Jan 6 committee passion play, James Howard Kunstler has a sneak preview of what your show of shows will likely include. Might want to have some tissues on hand.
Are woke corporations about to go broke? Doug Casey says our descent into clown world began when we started allowing government to enforce morality and customs rather than protect us from force or fraud.
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
2022 June 9 The Bryan Hyde Show hour one
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Anyone who is paying attention is likely asking themselves "What should I do?" as things continue to spiral out of control. A.H. Trimble has 11 suggestions that make a lot of sense.
So far, the fear and panic over monkeypox is pretty low key. Raymond J. March explains how covid and monkeypox may have significant differences but both can cause leviathan to metastasize.
You know global warming must be some serious stuff when the president starts using military powers to push green energy production. Russell Cook says it's like the political class thinks it can sell global warming to eskimos.
The left's hyper-focus on sexualizing children at the earliest possible age isn't just weird. It's a clear warning sign. Sheri Few spells out why leftists are fighting like mad to brainwash our children.
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
2022 June 8 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
There's an awful lot of things we take for granted, especially the food we eat. Deb Kaczmarek has a great message about being down on the farm with inflation.
There are a few once-in-a-lifetime events in each of our lives. Jeff Minnick makes a solid case that giving our children a childhood should be one of them.
We've likely reached the place where attending a university is no longer the best way to gain knowledge. Isaac Morehouse says the last leg universities stand on is collapsing.
That $5 a gallon gas is certainly a reality check, isn't it? Aden Tate from the Organic Prepper has a great article on Ernest Hemingway's experiences with hyperinflation that he encountered in 1920s Germany.
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
2022 June 8 The Bryan Hyde Show hour one
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
The idea that we are living in a time of near universal weirdness should be self-evident. Jacob Hornberger offers a comprehensive diagnosis of what plagues us and what it takes to repair a weird society.
The president talks as if so-called "assault weapons" are a moral issue. James Bovard explains how any 'assault weapons' ban is the first step on the road to greater tyranny.
To hear the MSM tell it, the good news is that we're all likely to lose some weight in the near future. The bad news, as Douglas Andrews explains, is that it's because we're on the verge of a food crisis.
Want to know what moral courage looks like in our day? Eric Utter says look no further than the baseball players attacked for not wearing "pride night" special uniforms.
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
2022 June 7 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
At the risk of sounding heretical, there are some very good reasons why Donald Trump should not run for president in 2024. Steve McCann says Trump and his family have sacrificed enough in revealing the corruption of D.C.
You're not likely to miss the fact that pride month is underway. LGBT advocates would be wise to take the advice of Michelle Marder Kamhi and focus on individual character instead of trying to normalize sexual deviance.
The greatest danger from covid isn't a resurgence of the virus. It's the danger of the lockdown policies spreading throughout society again. Jeffrey A. Tucker says the CDC wants its covid regime made permanent.
Politicians seem particularly desperate to enact new gun control laws. Jon Miltimore explains how the government's own study concluded that its "assault weapons" ban in the 90s didn't reduce gun violence.
Caitlin Johnstone has yet another powerful essay to get you thinking. She explains how you're only as free as you allow your world to be.
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
2022 June 7 The Bryan Hyde Show hour one
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos gives us his best take on the state of the world.
Is it rational to believe in something so deeply that you'd be willing to die for it? Paul Rosenberg asks, what would you die for? More importantly, what are you living for?
Getting our priorities straight is more important than we realize. Barry Brownstein spells out why freedom stands above everything.
Monday Jun 06, 2022
2022 June 6 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two
Monday Jun 06, 2022
Monday Jun 06, 2022
How can you be certain that your culture is moving toward collapse? Doug Casey has a list of some tell-tale signs of rapid cultural decline and what comes next.
If you haven't yet seen Matt Walsh's film "What Is a Woman", it's well worth the watch. Andrea Widburg has a great review of the documentary and a solid recommendation why you should see it.
The people and systems that seek to rule us just completed their conference in Davos, Switzerland and they're feeling pretty froggy. If you need some encouragement to resist them, Julien Charles reminds us that we create our own reality.
Of all the crises competing for our attention, the coming housing crisis is one to keep an eye on. Brandon Smith warns that inflation will price many Americans right into homelessness.