Tuesday May 24, 2022
2022 May 24 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Any time we have an important decision to make, it's a good idea to turn off the story that's playing in our minds. Paul Rosenberg explains how this simple tactic can help us resist the common tendency to know we're making a wrong choice but doing it anyway.
The strangest thing about our time is how many ways we are expected to deny reality. The Good Citizen notes that we're pushing maximum density in more ways than one.
Do you feel obligated to do something when you do not trust the person telling you to do it? Allen J. Feifer outlines the collapse of trust in our society and what it portends for our relationship to the ruling class.
When I want a no-crap, serious assessment of what's going on, I find James Howard Kunstler to be an excellent resource. He confirms that we're in it now for sure, and offers some sage advice on what we can do.
Tuesday May 24, 2022
2022 May 24 The Bryan Hyde Show hour one
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Friend of liberty and fellow wrongthinker Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos joins me for our weekly discussion of current events.
There's no shortage of things to be worrying about but it's time to pay close attention to our monetary challenges. Robert E. Wright warns about preparedness for payment system fragility rather than be taken by surprise.
For all the talk about disinformation, what really worries the ruling class is that we'll recognize the reality of what they are up to. Caitlin Johnstone says they're worried about the spread of information, not disinformation.
Monday May 23, 2022
2022 May 23 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two
Monday May 23, 2022
Monday May 23, 2022
You've no doubt caught wind of the growing media fervor over monkey pox. Mike Whitney points out how convenient this outbreak is just as the World Health Organization is seeking greater power. He says, "Fool me twice, shame on me."
Want to experience what real freedom feels like? Learn how to not give a damn what other people think. Gary D. Barnett says this is an indication of respect.
One of the greatest gifts we can give our kids is the ability to become can-do individuals. Lenore Skenazy spells out the lost milestones of childhood and the power of seeing your child blossom.
It may be a fictional story but after reading Ira Katz's review of the C.S. Lewis story "That Hideous Strength" I want to read the book myself. It's a tall story of how demonic desires influence a respected and ordinary profession.
Monday May 23, 2022
2022 May 23 The Bryan Hyde Show hour one
Monday May 23, 2022
Monday May 23, 2022
I've probably disagreed with David French about 90% of the time. Having said that, I strongly encourage you to read his essay on how a commitment to kindness doesn't mean surrendering your convictions.
The danger in fighting fire with fire is that you risk becoming the very thing you're trying to oppose. Susan Dunham has a marvelous column on what we learned from hating the unvaccinated.
At the risk of spreading gossip, Elon Musk is stepping up in a big way to build a hardcore legal team to push back against those trying to put a gag on him. Andrea Widburg describes how Musk is going on the offensive.
On a related note, watching Elon Musk get red-pilled in realtime has been an eye-opener for many others who are seeking higher ground. Roger Kimball explains the signs and portents of Musk's growing political maturity.
Friday May 20, 2022
2022 May 20 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two
Friday May 20, 2022
Friday May 20, 2022
Considering all the challenges we are facing today, the loss of moral clarity underpins each of them. Jeffrey A. Tucker explains how lockdowns, closures have taken their toll on our mental and spiritual wellbeing.
Wokeness has a done a lot to suck the fun out of most aspects of life. Brendan O'Neill welcomes Netflix recent note telling its employees to harden up but warns that wokeness is not it retreat.
Fighting misinformation seems to be a popular cause right now. Bryan Caplan asks some relevant questions regarding misinformation about misinformation.
Friday May 20, 2022
2022 May 20 The Bryan Hyde Show hour one
Friday May 20, 2022
Friday May 20, 2022
Of all the insanity that took hold during the official covid response, the arrest and prosecution of Idaho mom Sara Brady is one of the most egregious examples. Michelle Malkin outlines Brady's ordeal that remains unresolved after 2 years.
Wanna hear a scary story? Just turn on the MSM and you'll find plenty of frightful tales about monkey pox. Jordan Schachtel wonders if this is the next big scare for the USA and Europe.
Attempts by the ruling class to steer the world into a great reset are foundering on the rocks of reality. J. Robert Smith asks, if the American empire falls, will the American Republic rise?
How much longer can we go on pretending that the U.S. government isn't trying to instigate a direct war with Russia? Brandon Smith says, stop the denial: Ukraine is a proxy war that will lead to wider world war.
In the same vein as questioning why the Pentagon is throwing gas on the fire with Russia, Pat Buchanan wonders, why would the U.S. give a war guarantee to Finland?
Thursday May 19, 2022
2022 May 19 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two
Thursday May 19, 2022
Thursday May 19, 2022
The first and best shelter from this world's figurative storms is found within the family. Annie Holmquist has some excellent advice on how to raise kids who don't have daddy issues.
How bad do authoritarians want to exert control over you and your children? As Kerry McDonald explains, bad enough for MSNBC to claim that homeschooling is driven by insidious racism.
Is this the year you discover the joy of growing more of your own food? Simon Black has some thought on the coming food crisis and advises that developing your gardening skills is never a bad idea.
If you didn't catch George W. Bush's recent gaffe about "brutal, unjustified" invasions, it was a perfect teaching moment. The Z-man has a great summary of how the war-mongers among us are losing their minds.
Thursday May 19, 2022
2022 May 19 The Bryan Hyde Show hour one
Thursday May 19, 2022
Thursday May 19, 2022
As the world continues to spin out of control, it's a good time to evaluate the relationships around you and to choose your team wisely. The Good Citizen has some great advice on how to build your own wolf pack.
Maybe this is a bit too close to Hollywood or political gossip but the Elon Musk and Twitter saga has been very revealing. Andrea Widburg explains how between Musk and Project Veritas, Twitter's mask is being removed.
Do you still believe that our government is working to represent you and your interests? J.B. Shurk has a marvelous take on how Americans and their government have become divided by a common language.
Ready for some good news? A combination of awareness and memes has caused the DHS to pull the plug on its newly created ministry of truth. Lovers of free speech owe Jack Posobiec a debt of gratitude.
Wednesday May 18, 2022
2022 May 18 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
For all the posturing from the president on down, no data supports the "threat of white supremacy" that's being blasted at us nonstop. Julie Kelly breaks down the current political exploitation.
There's something incredibly liberating about not needing the approval of others. Jonathan Barnes makes the case for being a weirdo and spells out why eccentrics rule.
When it comes to Orwellian manipulation of our language, the New York Times has once again raised the bar. Tyler Durden documents the NYT's latest twisting of reality regarding the Ukraine conflict.
The more activists insist that LGBTQ indoctrination isn't taking place in our government schools, the more they also pushback against efforts to erect clear boundaries. Andrew Doyle has a great take on how to stop children from being indoctrinated.
Wednesday May 18, 2022
2022 May 18 The Bryan Hyde Show hour one
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Conservatives may not be perfect but they generally try to play by the rules. Paul Rosenberg has a fascinating essay on how conservatives are neutralized and why they shouldn't wait for permission to do the right thing.
A lot of politicians seem eager to use the atrocity in Buffalo, NY to justify greater wholesale controls over the public. Thomas L. Knapp says suppressing insane ideas doesn't stop insane conduct.
Gun control advocates are working feverishly to take advantage of the fear, shock and anger that follows any highly publicized shooting. David Gillette and Lauren Frazier explain why gun control misses the mark and creates injustice.
Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the current downward spiral of American society is the growing divide among the citizenry. Blaine L. Pardoe spells out what happens when you label half of the country racist.