Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
2022 March 22 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
This could get interesting. It's beginning to look like the winds of change are about to sweep through the White House. Roger Kimball says Biden's handlers are preparing to eject him and Kamala.
Nobody wants to think about the rising danger of food shortages and rationing. As Brandon Smith explains, this is a problem that is coming at us fast and the government "solutions" are bad news.
As far as the problem of inflation goes, Ron Paul proposes a simple solution as well as an object lesson. He says, end the fed and you'll get more Doritos instead of half a bag of air.
As overwhelming as things might appear, there's something we cannot allow ourselves to forget: We do not walk alone. Annie Holmquist reminds us of the power of building a sense of community wherever we are.
If you've tried to help others understand what's at stake, you know what a challenge it can be. Bryan Caplan has a great primer on how to talk to people: econ vs. psych.
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
2022 March 22 The Bryan Hyde Show hour one
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos stops by to offer some principled perspective on the passing scene.
The crazier things get, the more I'm beginning to understand how important it is to watch what you feed your mind. Paul Rosenberg has some great advice about what constitutes fuel for healthy souls.
Hypothetically, if hard times were approaching, it would be wise to know who your true friends are. Here's a great example of what that looks like from Dr. Aaron Kheriaty's substack account.
Monday Mar 21, 2022
2022 March 21 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two
Monday Mar 21, 2022
Monday Mar 21, 2022
Ever heard of the Great Uncleaving? It's a fascinating take on why the time has come to withdraw your consent and, for the sake of your family, to separate from the system that is trying to destroy you.
The Good Citizen has knocked another one out of the ballpark. To be or not to be, influenced is something that should be read by each of us trying to make our influence felt. Why do we do what we do?
Given the choice between following the "science" and following your conscience, which would you choose? Connor Tomlinson warns that we should not be so quick to forgive and forget the mass information psychosis that was forced on us.
Why should we be so jealous of the truth? Dr. Robert Malone says, it's just like Orwell warned: power is in tearing human minds to pieces.
Monday Mar 21, 2022
2022 March 21 The Bryan Hyde Show hour one
Monday Mar 21, 2022
Monday Mar 21, 2022
Like it or not, we are all veterans now in the war on reality. Rajan Laad offers some very timely examples of how the media is attempting to capture our minds.
The issue of transexual individuals in women's sports is a modern version of The Emperor's New Clothes. It's also a example of how those who refuse to recite things they know are false are being targeted.
The Hunter Biden laptop story should be a much bigger deal. Not because of the salaciousness of the images on his laptop but because of what it reveals about the deceptive nature of the American press.
You'd have to trying pretty hard not to notice the sinister shift in how public health has melded with public policy. Donald J. Boudreaux says the hazard of public health paternalists is real and growing.
Friday Mar 18, 2022
2022 March 18 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Non-conformists are often accused of having highly suspect motives. This is an unfair judgment on the part of their critics. Michael Driver describes how the real problem is everyone doing what they're told.
If you have any sense that we may face disruptions in the food supply chain in the near future, now is the time to take action. Anony Mee says when the food shortages come--here's what to do.
The media knows they're lying. We know they're lying. But they still keep lying to us. Glenn Greenwald nails the MSM to the wall over their false claims that Hunter Biden's laptop was "Russian disinformation."
It's astonishing that even many of the people who recognize how predatory government is becoming, at every level, will still fall in line to support it when the war drums start beating. Kent McManigal has a great perspective on why we should always question the official line.
Friday Mar 18, 2022
2022 March 18 The Bryan Hyde Show hour one
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Is social media a mind parasite that has captured a large percentage of human awareness? Paul Rosenberg thinks so and he makes a strong case that social media hijacks the subconscious mind.
Bureaucracies are a primary source of cruelty and oppression in our world. Barry Brownstein says the ongoing erosion of trust in bureaucrats and government experts is actually a positive development.
Centralization of power has become a primary cause of our continuous loss of personal freedoms. Gary M. Galles explains the value of federalism for protecting our freedom.
Sometimes it seems that finding common ground with others is the impossible dream. Kenneth LaFave has some great insights on why the middle ground between the left and right is so elusive.
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
2022 March 17 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
As you've likely noticed, taking control of free speech starts with taking control of the words we use. If we're serious about staying connected to reality, Kate McColl says we need hard words to speak about hard realities.
U.S. foreign policy is turning out to be a pretty effective red pill for a lot of us. As Caitlin Johnstone explains, international law is a meaningless concept when it only applies to U.S. enemies.
It may not seem like there's much we can do about the current global drama but we're far from helpless to improve the situation where we're standing. Annie Holmquist says, teach your kids to read, so they'll learn how to think.
Making sense of the conflict with Russia can be difficult due to the amount of official propaganda that's driving public perception. Doug Casey has some solid analysis and a few thoughts on where this is going.
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
2022 March 17 The Bryan Hyde Show hour one
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
Caleb Franz from the Profiles in Liberty podcast joins me for our regular History in Action segment. Today we give a long overdue nod to America's founding mothers.
One of the great dangers of the daily onslaught of war propaganda is that it persuades a lot of otherwise principled individuals to set aside their principles. Jacob Hornberger reminds us that the Founders' warnings about avoiding "entangling alliances" remain valid.
The ruling class seems determined to impose its version of reality on a world that refuses to accept it. The Z-man explains that the test of reality is underway and can be seen in the Russia/Ukraine narrative.
Notice how obsessed the ruling class is with protecting "our democracy" from various threats? Given how hard they're painting us as enemies, T.R. Clancy wonders, whose democracy is this anyway?
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
2022 March 16 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
It's been noted that the biggest crisis of the day isn't a virus or a military conflict, it's the fact that the public is so seamlessly led from one crisis into the next. Jeffrey A. Tucker explains how public opinion ended Covid and started the next thing.
Ready for a straight up red pill? This brief commentary by Eugyppius is a solid explanation of how the people who want to rule your mind and soul are all part of the same malign force.
Educational reform is a hot button issue for lots of folks right now. If you've ever wondered just what those calling for "reform" mean, wait until you hear about the 4 pillars of vacuity.
Electric vehicles are fast, quiet and supposedly good for the environment (if you don't think about how batteries are made). Here's a great commentary on the contradictions and confusion of getting Americans to buy electric cars.
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
2022 March 16 The Bryan Hyde Show hour one
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
With so much attention being deliberately focused on the Ukraine/Russia conflict, too many people are missing a comprehensive control system being erected all around us. Alexandros Marinos spells it out.
In spite of the gathering clouds overhead, there is reason for optimism. Part II of Robert Gore's essay "This Is Your Last Chance" is a detailed and encouraging summarization of what's coming.
It sure didn't take long for the criminalization of dissent to reach the labeling as "traitors" phase. Glenn Greenwald shows how Mitt Romney's "treason" smear of Tulsi Gabbard is now typical of discourse in the U.S.
Are you starting to recognize how the loudest complainers about "misinformation" in the U.S. are the ones doing the most to spread it. James Howard Kunstler wonders if those in charge are just playing dumb or truly braindead.