Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
2022 March 15 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Do you recall what you were doing 2 years ago? Julie Kelly has a powerful reminder of how we went from 15 days to 2 years and how March 16, 2020 should be a date that will live in infamy.
I know Ukraine is supposed to be the distraction of the moment but we cannot allow wrongs of the past two years to fade from our memories. Dr. Brian C. Joondeph warns about the continued politicization of Covid.
If you've had to find a new tribe due to the Covid insanity, you're hopefully in good company now. Gabrielle Bauer has a clear message for those who chose shaming over science.
Stewing in anger and frustration doesn't change the world for the better. But striving for the habit of personal excellence most certainly does, as Paul Rosenberg explains.
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
2022 March 15 The Bryan Hyde Show hour one
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos joins us for our weekly voice of reason therapy. There's no co-pay and you'll definitely feel better after a half hour with Dr. Eric.
Perhaps you've noticed the red flags waving in regards to how money is being used to control us. Here's a great article by Josef Tetek about how crypto is insurance against a state gone rogue.
A lot of us are getting a crash course in crypto. Larry White has some helpful advice on how to think about straight about Bitcoin's social costs and benefits.
Monday Mar 14, 2022
2022 March 14 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
The battle over free speech is getting a lot more real than most people think. As the Gateway Pundit reports, DHS is taking much harder look at anyone who doubts the 2020 election results or Dr. Fauci's ever-changing rules.
Ready for some possible good news? Check out this essay by Robert Gore on how the linchpin of history is innovation, not government and rulers.
The kickoff of war in Ukraine has pushed the American freedom convoy right off the front pages of the news media. Sarabeth Matilsky has a brilliant and compelling explanation of what the truckers want.
If you haven't picked up and read a copy of "1984" in a while, you might want to do so soon. Matt Taibbi says, you'll quickly realize that Orwell was right--we've become the doublethinkers he predicted.
Looking at the stratospheric prices of housing these days, it's easy to get discouraged. Michael Munger sheds some light on the issue and notes that all housing is affordable housing.
Monday Mar 14, 2022
2022 March 14 The Bryan Hyde Show hour one
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
The shift that's taking place is tough to miss. If you're trying to get your bearings on just what's happening, check out Jeffrey A. Tucker's take on how 70 years of progress came to an end.
Two years of Covid tyranny are being swept under the rug while the world's attention is on war in Europe. Jordan Schachtel describes how big tech is erasing the history of what was done to us.
We're all facing a surreal amount of psychological manipulation right now. Here's a fascinating take from The Good Citizen on how some of that manipulation is brought to you by the colors blue & yellow.
Friday Mar 11, 2022
2022 March 11 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two
Friday Mar 11, 2022
Friday Mar 11, 2022
There's a strong sense that the U.S. and Russia are already at war with each other, albeit an economic war. Michael Snyder explains how that conflict has shifted into overdrive and where we're vulnerable.
It should be self-evident that suppression of opposing speech or ideas is a poor way to make the case for your ideals. Conor Friedersdorf says tolerating Covid misinformation is better than the alternative.
The steps being taken by the people in power seem to point to a deliberate effort to implode the world economy. But for what purpose? The Good Citizen has a great take on world economic controlled demolition.
The question of U.S. connections to biolabs in Ukraine is being spun in a lot of directions. Dr. Robert Malone has some thoughts on the matter that you might find worth considering.
Friday Mar 11, 2022
2022 March 11 The Bryan Hyde Show hour one
Friday Mar 11, 2022
Friday Mar 11, 2022
It's stunning how quickly the world's monetary systems are being converted into tools to control people and nations. N.S. Lyons says just say no to Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs).
The volatility of our times makes me very grateful for anyone who can bring light and peace to those around them. Barry Brownstein reminds us that thank you is a better mantra than follow the science.
As if we don't have enough on our plates right now, there are two coming issues that will have to be addressed--food scarcity and food inflation. Things have been set in motion that could make the next two years very challenging.
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
2022 March 10 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
As your standard of living declines, don't forget that this has been the goal of Western environmentalists for some time now. Dennis Prager connects the dots on how environmentalists are creating a social revolution much like their communist counterparts.
U.S. foreign policy has been questionable for some time now. James Bovard warns that the current crop of Washington foreign policy experts could get us all killed with their hubris.
One of the biggest favors you can do yourself is to become propaganda-proof. Hannah Cox has a great primer on how to see through the Russia-Ukraine war propaganda.
If you still consider the great reset just another conspiracy theory, it might be time to have a slice of humble pie and open your eyes wide. Janet Levy reveals how this reset is not just aimed at capitalism, it's also aimed at the free market, the Constitution and the individual.
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
2022 March 10 The Bryan Hyde Show hour one
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
It's important that we continue to move forward from the Covid mania. Jeffrey A. Tucker spells out why we should never forget about who made it happen so the mania can never be inflicted on us again.
Standing up to conventional wisdom is particularly tough during a time of war propaganda. Scott Ritter explains how the same hysteria that had people cheering the invasion of Iraq has returned to America.
Keeping a grip on reality isn't exactly easy right now. Gary D. Barnett says it's because there's a concerted effort to blur the lines of reality in the age of barbarism.
The unprecedented gas prices we're paying are not the result of Russian aggression. As the editorial board at Issues & Insights makes clear, they're the result of the crude hypocrisy and rot of green politics.
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
2022 March 9 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Here's a recent essay from Paul Rosenberg that's sure to blow a few minds. Paul explains how he stands with the Russian people and the Ukrainian people and against mania. Some great food for thought.
The reality of what's currently breaking down in our world is becoming impossible to deny. James Howard Kunstler has a great explanation of why there's nowhere left to hide, at this point.
Like the narcissistic Lord Farquaad from Shrek, the American political class is willing to risk our lives & wellbeing for the sake of punishing Russia's government. Connor Tomlinson addresses the cold reality of abandoning Russian gas.
A person might be forgiven for perceiving trouble rapidly approaching. Aden Tate spotlights 8 hinky warning signs that are happening right now.
- HSL Ammo
- Sewing & Quilting Center
- Monticello College
- Life Saving Food (save 45% off retail price on Readywise food storage)
- The Heather Turner Team at Patriot Home Mortgage
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
2022 March 9 The Bryan Hyde Show hour one
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Who are the winners and losers in the Ukraine crisis? Jacob Hornberger says there are lots of people on the losing side and only one big winner--the U.S. national security establishment.
To fully understand the frustration you're feeling at the gas pump, you need to understand all the political maneuvering behind the scenes. As Jordan Schachtel puts it, welcome to the controlled demolition of American energy.
The American ruling class is insisting that we all "make sacrifices" in order to accomplish whatever they've decreed. J.B. Shurk has a relevant question: Why should deplorables fight for those who hate them?
- HSL Ammo
- Sewing & Quilting Center
- Monticello College
- Life Saving Food (save 45% off retail price on Readywise food storage)
- The Heather Turner Team at Patriot Home Mortgage