Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
2022 March 9 The Bryan Hyde Show hour one
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Who are the winners and losers in the Ukraine crisis? Jacob Hornberger says there are lots of people on the losing side and only one big winner--the U.S. national security establishment.
To fully understand the frustration you're feeling at the gas pump, you need to understand all the political maneuvering behind the scenes. As Jordan Schachtel puts it, welcome to the controlled demolition of American energy.
The American ruling class is insisting that we all "make sacrifices" in order to accomplish whatever they've decreed. J.B. Shurk has a relevant question: Why should deplorables fight for those who hate them?
- HSL Ammo
- Sewing & Quilting Center
- Monticello College
- Life Saving Food (save 45% off retail price on Readywise food storage)
- The Heather Turner Team at Patriot Home Mortgage
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
2022 March 8 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
There are plenty of interpretations and theories about what the war in Ukraine is about. Take a moment to consider Tom Luongo's take on the matter. He says, thanks to Putin's war, the race is on for the great reset.
We all heard the people in authority use words like "safe and effective" when describing the Covid vaccines. Dr. Brian C. Joondeph wonders whatever happened to that claim and why don't we hear it anymore?
The people who pushed for lockdowns and other denials of personal autonomy are in full damage control mode right now. Kit Knightly warns, don't believe the media's fake post mortem--the pandemic was no mistake.
Mask mandates are dropping fast but there are some stubborn holdouts, as anyone traveling by plane understands perfectly. Scott Morefield asks, will the mask mandates for plane travel ever end?
- HSL Ammo
- Sewing & Quilting Center
- Monticello College
- Life Saving Food (save 45% off retail price on Readywise food storage)
- The Heather Turner Team at Patriot Home Mortgage
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
2022 March 8 The Bryan Hyde Show hour one
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos joins me for our weekly conversation. We talk about rising fuel prices, EVs and how to make sense of the bigger picture.
People who understand that their natural rights limit the power of government over them are less likely to simply obey whatever the ruling class is telling them. Alexander Salter has a great essay on reason for rights: liberty and the good life.
If you're keeping tabs on home prices, you've likely noticed that they are still on the rise. Patrick Carroll says, here's the real reason young people can't afford a home these days.
- HSL Ammo
- Sewing & Quilting Center
- Monticello College
- Life Saving Food (save 45% off retail price on Readywise food storage)
- The Heather Turner Team at Patriot Home Mortgage
Monday Mar 07, 2022
2022 March 7 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two
Monday Mar 07, 2022
Monday Mar 07, 2022
At a time where almost any stance is sure to set off the perpetually offended, here's a truly controversial topic: chastity is the key to happiness. Jeffrey Folks does a great job of connecting the dots.
What does the Covid crisis have to do with the Ukraine crisis? Both are perfect examples of how we are being steered from one crisis to the next. Jordan Schachtel says this is why Americans have no obligation to sacrifice for the war in Ukraine.
The desire to see those who urged and implemented lockdowns held accountable for their policies isn't a call for vengeance. It's a call for accountability so public health doesn't err on the side of catastrophe again.
A pandemic of war-driven irrationality is sweeping through the Western world and anything "Russian" is being banned. Roger Kimball has a gentle but firm rebuke over "Russian to judgment: the birth of a meme."
If you haven't already subscribed to the Good Citizen's substack, please consider it. Likewise, Tom Luongo is another voice worth hearing. These are two excellent resources for truthseekers.
Sponsor links:
- HSL Ammo
- Sewing & Quilting Center
- Monticello College
- Life Saving Food (save 45% off retail price on Readywise food storage)
- The Heather Turner Team at Patriot Home Mortgage
Monday Mar 07, 2022
2022 March 7 The Bryan Hyde Show hour one
Monday Mar 07, 2022
Monday Mar 07, 2022
The war in Ukraine should not have taken anyone by surprise. Peter Hitchens saw what was coming nearly 12 years ago and refuses to join the hypocrisy.
One of the more positive changes of late is that higher education is swiftly marginalizing itself. The good news, as Isaac Morehouse explains, now college degrees are working against many job seekers.
Nice as it is to be getting back to a kind of normal, we cannot pretend that this isn't being done for political expediency. David Waugh says the return to normal is driven by politics and not by "science."
Sponsor links:
- HSL Ammo
- Sewing & Quilting Center
- Monticello College
- Life Saving Food (save 45% off retail price on Readywise food storage)
- The Heather Turner Team at Patriot Home Mortgage
Friday Mar 04, 2022
2022 March 4 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two
Friday Mar 04, 2022
Friday Mar 04, 2022
The political class is getting very twitchy about the citizenry. They've forgotten that their temporary authority originates with the people and that they are servants. J.B. Shurk reminds us why rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.
The speed with which Covid guidance has changed is remarkable. And more than a little suspicious. Jon Miltimore details what we can learn from the CDC changing its Covid risk formula for non-scientific reasons.
I have deep respect for the parents who are training faithful foot soldiers in the war against the elite. Annie Holmquist reveals how having a good, strong family is the best way to contain the ruling class.
Pushing back against the official propaganda that's being directed at us 24/7 isn't just a contrarian hobby. As Gary D. Barnett writes, we have a duty to resist the state control of media and the press.
Sponsor links:
- The Heather Turner Team at Patriot Home Mortgage
- HSL Ammo
- Sewing & Quilting Center
- Monticello College
- Life Saving Food (save 45% off retail price on Readywise food storage)
Friday Mar 04, 2022
2022 March 4 The Bryan Hyde Show hour one
Friday Mar 04, 2022
Friday Mar 04, 2022
There is an immense amount of effort to keep our attention focused on Ukraine right now. Allan Stevo has the most timely advice you'll hear today: Do not be distracted from focusing on what matters most.
Why does the state need to do so much in secret? James Bovard spells out the reasons why the Supreme Court should end the "state secrets" shield.
Heaven help anyone who commits an "unforgivable" offense in the eyes of the Twitter mob. Bryan Caplan explains why this tactic is used and what it generally says about the accuser's character.
Sponsor links:
- The Heather Turner Team at Patriot Home Mortgage
- HSL Ammo
- Sewing & Quilting Center
- Monticello College
- Life Saving Food (save 45% off retail price on Readywise food storage)
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
2022 March 3 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
We're feeling the effects of inflation in many areas right now. For those trying to understand what 7.5% inflation means, Peter Jacobsen says the Rule of 72 can help us understand why our concern is warranted.
What do the CIA and Pentagon's hatred of Julian Assange have to do with the current fighting in Ukraine? Jacob Hornberger connects the dots on a story that mass media is carefully avoiding, for some reason.
As hard as it would be for most of us to set aside social media, there are good reasons to consider doing so. Kate McColl suggests that social media is showing us that the world wants to be deceived.
Looking for some solid suggestions on how to best prepare for the remainder of 2022? Dr. Robert Malone has some advice for anyone who is paying attention.
Sponsor links:
- The Heather Turner Team at Patriot Home Mortgage
- HSL Ammo
- Sewing & Quilting Center
- Monticello College
- Life Saving Food (save 45% off retail price on Readywise food storage)
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
2022 March 3 The Bryan Hyde Show hour one
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
Why are insurance company actuaries reporting an unusual spike in deaths of people ages 18-64 in the last half of 2021? Robert E. Wright weighs in on life, death and insurance.
Caleb Franz of the Profiles In Liberty podcast joins me for our semi-monthly History In Action segment. This time around we talk about the Boston Massacre and the importance of not rushing to judgment.
Is social media a curse or a blessing to the young people of our time? Before you answer that question, check out Kent McManigal's take on how social media is doing invisible damage to our youth.
There's a certain comic book quality to the narrative regarding Russia vs. Ukraine. Jordan Schachtel makes a strong case that this is less a matter of good vs. evil and more like 2 kleptocratic shades of gray.
Sponsor links:
- The Heather Turner Team at Patriot Home Mortgage
- HSL Ammo
- Sewing & Quilting Center
- Monticello College
- Life Saving Food (save 45% off retail price on Readywise food storage)
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
2022 March 2 The Bryan Hyde Show hour two
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
We've learned a lot over the past two years. Tom Woods has a terrific list of 8 things the Age of Fauci teaches us.
The interconnectedness of the financial realm is creating some complications for those trying to sanction Russia into submission. Thomas L. Knapp describes how the West's SWIFT kick is aimed at Russia but may end up hitting the U.S. dollar as well.
One of the craziest signs of the times is the growing push to silence dissenting voices. As Caitlin Johnstone notes, defending freedom and democracy sure requires an awful lot of censorship.
This is a truly insightful article. If you're going to make self reliance a priority, never forget that training preparedness is better than simply learning preparedness.
I didn't watch the State of the Union address last night. (Sorry, but I had to wash my hair) Thankfully, I was able to get my hands on a draft of the real state of the union and it was far more insightful than I'd hoped.
Sponsor Links:
- The Heather Turner Team at Patriot Home Mortgage
- HSL Ammo
- Sewing & Quilting Center
- Monticello College
- Life Saving Food (save 45% off retail price on Readywise food storage)